ProgPower USA DVD Easter Eggs Hint

dusro2 said:
Yes Swordlord!!!! That rocks!!! you are the man!!! We saw you up there! You are well deserving of the award. That is some funny Shit! Ive watched it about 5 times now! By far the highlight of the Easter egg.

Thank you, thank you. I'm not worthy of such praise. :worship:

I'm a raving-mad Edguy fan and also of the Avantasia albums. Seeing that set with Tobias going crazy and then Rob Rock singing Avantasia ... well, it was just too much! :hotjump: Being the fact that I am a pretty emotional guy and also have a BA in Theatre Arts, this usually translates into a physical response. Glad you guys enjoyed the Spectacle of the Sword. :loco:

Two clues...

Both contain a noun that refers to the same thing.

Both contain a verb telling you to do the same thing.

The 2nd clue gives more specifics as well.

You folks are going to kick yourself once you get the answer.

Glenn H.
SwordLord you kick ass. It was awesome to see you on there. You definetly deserve it. I was also into the woodchuck. I thought he rocked!!!
Can someone email me with some info regarding this whole easter egg business!?!!??

The clues have made my head numb..

BTW, the University of Kentucky called:they want their degree back! DOH!