ProgPower USA Picture posting

I didn't take my fancy new camera, because I didn't have time to read the manual before ProgPower. :(

However, I did manage to get a few good pictures with my old dinosaur of a camera. These two are my favorites (and both were lucky shots)


haha, love the juxtaposition on that second shot! :D

Okay, here's Part 1 of Saturday's pics. Basically all the bands up to the All-Star Jam. Security kicked me out of the After Forever show early, hence there are fewer pics there than I wanted. For Primal Fear, I wasn't allowed inside at all, so no pics from the front on that one.

Between visits to my HMO (I have a kidney stone), having to act as medical courier (I have no idea why Northside Hospital couldn't just email my CTscan results to my HMO instead of making ME pick up the disc, during rush hour) and now a new appointment with a urologist, I dunno when I can get Part 2 and 3 up. I'll try to hurry, since there's nekkidness in there somewhere. Tastefully blurred out, I suspect. :lol:
Thanks everyone. :) For having an old point-and-shoot 35mm I am rather pleased with how some of my pics turned out. Alot are about what you would expect from a 35mm and me not being close to the front of the stage. By next year I should know how to use my fancy Nikon N80 and I will hopefully have better pictures. Especially with a year's worth of practice using it under my belt. :)
haha, love the juxtaposition on that second shot! :D

Okay, here's Part 1 of Saturday's pics. Basically all the bands up to the All-Star Jam. Security kicked me out of the After Forever show early, hence there are fewer pics there than I wanted. For Primal Fear, I wasn't allowed inside at all, so no pics from the front on that one.

Between visits to my HMO (I have a kidney stone), having to act as medical courier (I have no idea why Northside Hospital couldn't just email my CTscan results to my HMO instead of making ME pick up the disc, during rush hour) and now a new appointment with a urologist, I dunno when I can get Part 2 and 3 up. I'll try to hurry, since there's nekkidness in there somewhere. Tastefully blurred out, I suspect. :lol:

Kidney stones suck... I've had six..... and they can't figure out why.
What the hell? Security kicked you out? What for?

I think he is referring to being escorted from the photo pit and not the venue.

Get well soon Pellaz! I've had kidney stones once, and I'd wish them upon only my VERY, VERY worst of enemies! My bout had me rolling on the floor in the doctor's office in pain while my mom watched on waiting for the doctor to show up. There is no position you can put your body in to lessen the pain. We had no idea what was going on at that moment, so it was pretty scary for both of us.
I think he is referring to being escorted from the photo pit and not the venue.

Correct. Sorry, I should have been more clear. And I have no idea why the security guy came along and cherry-picked me and a few other people in the middle of the second song, and then let others stay in who had the same type of pass.

Get well soon Pellaz! I've had kidney stones once, and I'd wish them upon only my VERY, VERY worst of enemies! My bout had me rolling on the floor in the doctor's office in pain while my mom watched on waiting for the doctor to show up. There is no position you can put your body in to lessen the pain. We had no idea what was going on at that moment, so it was pretty scary for both of us.

It was truly frightening for me as well. At first I thought I had slept on my back at a really bad angle, but the pain wouldn't. go. away. Now I have meds for the worst times; urologist said it could be as much as two weeks or so before it passes. In the meantime, random pain will be an everpresent possibility.
Help me with this. It's been such a long time that I've used a film camera that perhaps I'm loosing my mind, but shouldn't I get back ALL the pictures from developing, regardless of their quality?? Shouldn't I get a chance to see that the frames were completely blank? Shouldn't they at least be on the negatives?

I put in three disposable cameras, when they were finished the gal said that some were dark (which I expected) and hard to see, but she allowed me to look through them and adjust the price for any unwanted photos. I quickly thumbed through them, distracted by the memories in the pics and my aching feet (and dwindling pocketbook from a day at Wally World) that I said, "Yep, they all look great, I'll take them all!" So she rang me up at the quoted price per camera, $7.00 + tax, and off I went on my merry way. Only when I got home did I realize that several shots were missing, and of course they are the ones I wanted the most, like the limo driver holding a sign that says "Mattias Kitchen Band" and pictures of Firewind on stage. Firewind was captured by many others, but I'm the only one who took a picture of the limo driver sign so it can't be replaced. I looked at the negatives for each roll and these shots, among others, weren't even on the strips or the thumbnail views on the cd card.

My question is this: Is it standard practice for film developers to throw out shots they think are unusable without allowing me to preview them, but still charging me full price? Also, are disposable cameras that unreliable, where some pictures are so bad they don't even develop? AND, does having the cameras ran through the security carry-on x-rays damage the rolls in any way? One more thing, how do you all suggest I handle trying to get these missing photos? The last time this happened, years ago, I had to turn in the negatives and the prints for them to be re-developed, and I never saw them again. They got lost in some shuffle or misplaced by a disgruntled employee. I don't want that to happen again and risk loosing ALL the shots from that camera.

Anyone else have this happen before? I'm terribly upset because not only are some of those shots irreplaceable but also I may NEVER get them in my hands just because some chick running the machine thought they didn't look good enough. I can't understand how at least 5 pictures are completely botched yet they are in the same lighting as others that turned out fine. I take that back, ALL of the shots from the airport are gone.. is there some rule about that?

Anyone else have this happen before? I'm terribly upset because not only are some of those shots irreplaceable but also I may NEVER get them in my hands just because some chick running the machine thought they didn't look good enough. I can't understand how at least 5 pictures are completely botched yet they are in the same lighting as others that turned out fine. I take that back, ALL of the shots from the airport are gone.. is there some rule about that?


I had the same issue with my disposables -- I only got a few of the pictures back. I know I forgot to set the flash on some of them, but on others the flash didn't go off...or just wasn't powerful enough to get a good shot. I guess on these pics there just wasn't anything to see. :mad:
Sadly, disposable cameras don't do well in the dark. Even if you use a flash, the person or object you're taking a picuture of must be within 10 feet of the flash for it to work. You can't adjust the aperature and exposure time - two critical things you need to do when conditions aren't ideal for picture taking. (Yeah, I've taken a few photography classes in my life... )

Still sucks I couldn't have used my digital SLR at the show... would have had some great shots.
AND, does having the cameras ran through the security carry-on x-rays damage the rolls in any way?

I'm sorry you lost some of your pictures. I hate when that happens. :mad:

It is possible that the security x-rays can damage the rolls of film. Before I went through security, I asked one of the security agents if it was OK to put my film through the x-ray machine. He said "absolutely NOT!" So I handed him my film, he checked it by hand, and gave it back to me without putting it through the x-ray.

I know it won't help this time, but I suggest avoiding putting the film through x-ray security at the airport, either in your carry-on or in your checked bags.


PS -- My pics are up on my Myspace page (see link in signature file). FYI -- you won't find many band pics, just "people pics." :)