Progpower USA XVI kickoff show goes oldschool


Mr. Sleepy
Apr 14, 2002
Sweet home Alabama
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DC Cooper was scheduled to headline the kickoff, but unfortunately had to cancel. In his place will be Armored saint and Saxon.
Yeah I should go for Saxon, but time and money are not on my side this time. I'll see closer to the date if there are still tickets available.
Yeah I should go for Saxon, but time and money are not on my side this time. I'll see closer to the date if there are still tickets available.

Would certainly love to see you there brother. Don't know if you know this but the opening band, Almah.... their singer is Edu Falaschi that sang on several releases from Angra. Never been a big fan of Angra, but I do love the Rebirth release and he sang on that one. I haven't actually listened to Almah yet, so I don't know how they sound. Didn't realize it was Edu until I saw the poster in a large size and recognized his face.

Would certainly love to see you there brother. Don't know if you know this but the opening band, Almah.... their singer is Edu Falaschi that sang on several releases from Angra. Never been a big fan of Angra, but I do love the Rebirth release and he sang on that one. I haven't actually listened to Almah yet, so I don't know how they sound. Didn't realize it was Edu until I saw the poster in a large size and recognized his face.


I know Almah, just never cared about them. I have all Angra until "Aqua", the Falaschi era is a let down after Matos, but still "Rebirth" and "Aqua" are strong releases, the rest are so-so. Saw them live here with very bad sound back in 2007.

Not even going to waste my time and money with Leone, another reason not to go to PPUSA until Saxon came onboard. And wouldn't mind to see Armored Saint again either :D
Listened to Almah. Much like Angra, the guitars sound grteat. Love the guitar on the acoustic song, but just didn't care for the songs in general. Edu sings in a much lower key in Almah than with Angra. He has to. When I saw him with Angra at PPUSA, he couldn't hit the notes. I felt bad for him. He tried hard, but he didn't sound good.
Yea, damn! I want to go to Atlanta for Prog-Power once in my life.

Not to see that bands but to meet the friends in the US I have been making since the early 90s. That includes of course my UMOS family. :)

Would be very cool if Wyvern and I could go together, at the same year. ;)
Armored Saint was on FIRE at PPUSA. Bush nailed just about every note and Jeff Duncan (and to a lesser extent Joey Vera) sang incredible harmonies. John walked around through the audience singing. He is a great frontman !!

Yea, damn! I want to go to Atlanta for Prog-Power once in my life.

Not to see that bands but to meet the friends in the US I have been making since the early 90s. That includes of course my UMOS family. :)

Would be very cool if Wyvern and I could go together, at the same year. ;)

It seems like the bands/music are secondary at that fest. Went twice. First time was great but the shine wore off the following year.

When I caught Wings of Metal last week, people were there for the music.
It seems like the bands/music are secondary at that fest. Went twice. First time was great but the shine wore off the following year.

When I caught Wings of Metal last week, people were there for the music.

Well, I am sure I will want to see one band that is coming next year.
Fates Warning with John Arch playing the complete 'Awaken The Guardain".
But other than that, I hope meet everyone I communicated with for the last 25 years.
Well, I am sure I will want to see one band that is coming next year.
Fates Warning with John Arch playing the complete 'Awaken The Guardain".
But other than that, I hope meet everyone I communicated with for the last 25 years.

That was a surprise getting that but headliners have cancelled before. I would have never met Todd Latorre if Andre Matos didn't cancel. :D
Yea, I know. I seriously try to be aware that the Fates gig might be canceled.

Always a chance, I hope Savage Messiah (and a couple more I want) will be not.