ProgPower VII Pic Thread ("official")

Might as well share the small handfull of pictures I got. All Freak Kitchen as I am a FK fanboy douche, but...
I hate my camera though. I took more pictures than this, but a lot of them were useless because they got blurry as shit or the camera is just too slow and I'd end up with a picture of Chris' back. Bah.

My favorite from my pictures...

Took a lot more pictures of him but this is one of the few that is alright. Probably my favorite because it was during the Razor Flowers singalong and I LOVED that. Hoping it's part of what ends up on the dvd.
Pellaz said:
Cool, now I know who you are! I think you told me and I forgot..... At least I got dcowboys311 right.

Side note to Katie....I tried to call you so you could be there at the end of Mercenary's signing session, but you didn't answer. :(

Only because I reminded you like 3 times dude!
I'm getting my pictures developed tomorrow - I cannot wait. These have made me so excited, and I love how I'm popping up into photos from Karaoke and whatnot. There are some really great shots here, thanks!
longshot9 said:
Finally got all mine posted. Had to shrink them down quite a bit due to space restrictions on my website, but here ya go anyways. Enjoy! :rock:

Thanks for sharing these - even if we were allowed to bring in super-cameras I just cannot get pics to come out like these. Awesome job - thanx again.:kickass:

Hey Everyone. Just wanted to say that I have some pics, but will have to upload later. Most of them you can hardly see the people on stage because of people's heads (which is why short people like me shouldn't take pictures or should either be right in front), but I will post the ones that aren't that bad and ones of people just hanging out.
Well, it was awesome to see/hang with you as well, Patrick!!!!! We had a great time! :rock: :kickass:

Good luck to your band on the 13th !!! James will be there for sure, but I won't be able to make it because of work..... :waah: I'm sure I'll be seeing you throughout the year, though, at other shows! :rock:
Princess Jenna said:
Most of them you can hardly see the people on stage because of people's heads (which is why short people like me shouldn't take pictures or should either be right in front)

...or perhaps you should just find a big, strong guy to lift you up :)

I thought the Vision Divine fans might like this. :p
Doesn't Luppi look adorable? :)
This was backstage during Jorn.