Programming Amp Sims


Oct 1, 2010
Hannover, Germany
Hey Guys! Is there any info on how to program basic amp sims for noobs? i think this topic is very interesting but i am a total noob if it comes to programming... Any tips on what to read/watch/learn to get started?

thanks guys! :headbang:
how much of a programming noob are we talking? If you've never done any and also don't have an acceptable grasp of what's going on inside a real amp then you've got a lot of background to go through before you start making a sim
Should probably start learning Java or Python to get your toes wet, then move on to C++.

developing an Amp-Sim is a pretty serious project, don't expect to be doing that for a few years yet.

+1 few years seems like a stretch IMO, as long as you keep it up IMO you could be getting there in over a year, maybe 2. But it really depends how well you learn.
Take your time to do it "right", the world doesn't need another fizzy 3rd order polynomial waveshaper-sim! :loco:

I would choose C++ .. as it's the most versatile programming language.. (used by LePou, Alu, TSE etc.. )
If you want to make sims in the ABG / Ronald Passion way just choose SynthEdit/Synthmaker (but some people won't respect your work then as it is a dirty shortcut:p)

In the end it's the actual product _you_ make that counts .. To model a hardware unit derived from a schematic you'll need to know some stuff or two about dsp/electronics..
I second starting with C++. It might have some lower level difficulties, but it's going to come in handy when you're doing stuff like signal processing. If you're learning programming just for amp sims, the Steinberg SDK is C++ anyways.
I'm somewhat interested. I'm almost finished with a bachelor's of science degree in computer science/information systems, so I have a fair amount of programming knowledge. I know C, C++, Java, and C# (windows forms & I have never done any DSP coding though. Are there any open source amp sims out there? Or anywhere to see some code that would help me learn?
I guess apart of knowing c++ or whatever, you must know about amps eschematics and electronics, don't you?

Yes if you want to be able to make a decent tubemodel/gainstage you gotta know some stuff before you start, or learn along the way :saint:

(It took me 9 months from I started my research until I released the first version of the X30, I have a background in electronics/electrotechnique.. and I had someone pointing me in the right direction)
It's vital to understand what happens in a tube amp to give you the sound you want......there are so many terrible amp sims out there done by people who have good programming skills but no idea what's needed for a good amp!
I found it easier to start modelling analog gear after doing some simple waveshapers and digital effects in python just to get the hang of how DSP works. I still use python for rough simulations and testing stuff because it takes way less time to write a program with, but you won't be running anything in realtime unless you port it to C++ (not hard if you're fluent in both languages). I just feed the programs with DI's from wav files.

I've still got a long way to go though before I can release anything useful because my analog simulation capabilites are a bit tacky, and having to find out and learn everything on my own (the open source department is crap to say the least) doesn't help. :Smug:
Forget amp sims, the money will come to the first person who figures out good speaker simulation. That's the real barrier.

well i dont want to sell anything, i just want a good simulation of a BOSS HM2 :loco: i´ve dreamt of this since i started using ampsims. I´d pay for this :kickass: ( little hint for the programming guys right here :rolleyes: )
well i dont want to sell anything, i just want a good simulation of a BOSS HM2 :loco: i´ve dreamt of this since i started using ampsims. I´d pay for this :kickass: ( little hint for the programming guys right here :rolleyes: )

well take your time, learn the basics. or you can always collab with a programmer.