Progressing with the Guitar

westknife said:
and his strings probably last about .6 seconds

Yes of course. Brian May was well known for not being able to play live in concert for 2.5 hours, without having to go off and change his strings every minute. :rolleyes:
I've been using 1.14mm I think, but I have started to suspect that using a thinner pick helps with speed. I have started playing with Dunlop .73s. I also prefer picks which aren't too shiny, as I sometimes start to lose my grip on them. Maybe I'm just a bit greasy.

I used to hold the pick between the end of my thumb and index finger but got badly bitchslapped by a guitar teacher I had for a short time. Now I do what an earlier poster was describing, which is to point your thumb up the neck and grip the pick against a curled index finger. It feels bizarre at first but helps you to hold the pick without having to tense your hand so much, which in turn helps me to play in a more relaxed way.
I used to hold the pick between the end of my thumb and index finger but got badly bitchslapped by a guitar teacher I had for a short time. Now I do what an earlier poster was describing, which is to point your thumb up the neck and grip the pick against a curled index finger. It feels bizarre at first but helps you to hold the pick without having to tense your hand so much, which in turn helps me to play in a more relaxed way.

Oh boy if a guitar teacher would see my playing style he would probably bitchslap me to death.
thumb point to neck, curled index finger

Yeah, that's the way it's done.

I used to hold it incorrectly and it really bottlenecked my playing at one point. It was the hardest 2 weeks of my life, just forcing myself to learn to pick anew with the 'proper' technique.
Okay, we've gone over "plectrums." Now what strings do you use? Let me tell you, the last time I changed strings, I put in some Elixir Nanowebs and they are by FAR the best strings I have ever used. It's been months and they still look/sound brand new. It's pretty unbelievable. I am never using any other strings again.
Are there people here who use dropped tunings? I plan to record some electric and acoustic stuff in D / drop C in the future, any tips on what strings go well with these tunings? I need thicker strings I think, but well, I don't have an idea on what gauge I should look for.
I'm usually too lazy to change strings and sometimes if one breaks I just play with less than 6 strings for weeks :lol:. My D string is losing little parts of it and growing thinner and thinner (so does the sound it produces) but I'll be damned if I don't just keep playing it till it snaps.