Progressive metal project debut Tsukihime


New Metal Member
Apr 10, 2012
Hey guys, i wanted to share my first full track. I've always done a bunch of little mixtests and have written music with other people but this is the first time i've written a full song out in my DAW by myself. I also think its my best mix as of yet. Initially i wanted the song to be super heavy but it kinda lost its way after midterms stole my life away from me ( pre med) and i got obsessed with "lead guitar harmonies" . Lemme know what you guys think!

Guitars were Axe Fx II
Bass was trilian
drums was superior 2 with drumagog

any feed back positive or negative would be dope.
Can't listen to it right now, since I'm at work. But I'll do it this evening :) Does the name refer to TYPE MOONs Tsukihime?^^
that timing really fucks with my head...and it hasn't anything to do with odd time signatures or so.
talking about It's weird, cause your timing isn't nearly as bad on the other parts, so I guess it's on purpose off by that much?

Mixwise it works, weakest part of the mix is the bass...would work on that.
Also take care of editing, some clips and pops here and there, as well as gaps.

that snare at 1.38 is too machine gunnish...try playing with the velocities a bit more.
Agreed with mago, that part is odd and the snare is strange as well, I think it is just way too odd to be appreciated IMO
Bass is kind of non existent, you should rely less on guitars for the low end and have them glue together more. I am on a headset right now and I can't distinguish the bass guitar
I think the guitars are too loud too, try reducing them by 3 dB as a start, and hi pass them a bit higher ? Try to make more room for the snare as well !
Did you use new strings ? if not you would gain a hell lot of clarity right away !
yeah man next time im going to use new strings, as far as that timing thing goes; i wanted it to be hella weird haha. Thanks for the critique ill work on all of those