Project 407


Jan 4, 2003
La Flandre
Yep, this is spam... Don't read if you're not interested. My apologies.

Here's the story: some years ago we I recorded SEVEN DAYS AND SEVEN SONGS for Project 407. The few reviews done, wrote it was influenced by Katatonia or Edge of Sanity with clean vocals. Anyway... Feel free to check it when you're into the newer Katatonia.
the_dying ..that's your music?!

I remember downloading those 3 available songs some time ago. Was very impressed. Was gonna order the cd.. but.. well.. I don't have any euros. Only pounds Im afraid :) Oh well...
And I'm poor...

Great work :Spin:
i would also be interested in ordering a copy if there is not much to pay fo postage and these things. as student you don't have many money, you know.

so please tell me how much it would cost to send your demo to austria.