
I've always had troubles with foreign band name pronounciation...I still pronounce Dimmu Borgir as "bohr - jer" even though I know it's wrong, and ocasionally catch myslf saying "OH-puth." Please tell me I have Vintersorg (like winter,then a long O) correct...
Originally posted by Katatonic289
well, for starters, the word deicide is from the word deity, meaning a supreme being, pronounced "day-a-tee".

Nuh uh...

Deicide \De"i*cide\, n. [L. deicida a deicide (in sense 2); deus god + c[ae]dere to cut, kill: cf. F. d['e]icide.]
1. The act of killing a being of a divine nature; particularly, the putting to death of Jesus Christ. [R.]

Earth profaned, yet blessed, with deicide. --Prior.

2. One concerned in putting Christ to death.
Uh.. Saphira, dear..

IT's actually DAYSIDE
Not Deeeeeeahhhhhside

Deity - daaaaaaaaaaayyyyy ah teeeeeeeeeee
Deicide - ddaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayh ah siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidddddddeeeeee

I've actually talked to 'em before and asked this question.
Originally posted by Sullen Jester
Uh.. Saphira, dear..

Erm, Jester, honey... :p

I was referring to what "Deicide" means... not the pronounciation of it.. ~Pokes his sides~
Oh, and your arm bands will be sent tomorrow or the next day.. :D
Well, don't make me look stupid :p

Hopefully they'll arrive the same time as my Tool DVD... fuckin' thing hasn't arrive yet :(

I'll have to like, flip out and chop peoples heads off like a ninja, and make you crap your pants because it will be so sweet