Chicago: 4/20 review and question

Good story. People are morons I feel bad for band members when people act like that. Shit If I can't pronounce their name I am not even going to try. Its best just to shake their hand tell them they rule and get your stuff signed or a pic taken. Other than that leave them their space unless you get lucky and they invite you to their bus or to a table or something to shoot the shit.

I mean I wouldn't want people trying to ask how to pronounce my name and failing miserable at it while talking about how one of my buddies is much better than me.

I am sure Roope appreciated your kind gesture to him and maybe that will give him more tolerance towards American fans. Those guys sure did do a good job of representing the average American clueless asshole.
I mean, the way I try to tell people is to just put yourself in their shoes. How would you like to be mobbed with no breathing room? Not many people would at all. I mean I admit; I am pretty open with bands; I go and strike up conversations with them. Of course I let 'em know how much I appreciate them; and then i'll talk anything from videogames to whatever they wanna chat about. If they don't feel like chatting; that's fine too. Hell, sometimes I am not in the mood to chat either.

Basically, people don't understand it seems that they're people. You have eccentric ones, quiet ones, loud ones, goofy ones, polite ones, etc. I mean, sure. Give your appreciation. But that also means give your consideration as well. Don't act like an ass and you won't be treated like an ass.

I swear, to this day, I never understood it. I mean, when i was like 14 I remember being kinda on the starstruck side...but some people just don't grow up. Sure, I get a little nervous before a big interview sometimes; but that's natural; and it's natural to maybe be a little jittery around someone whom you really appreciate as a musician or whatnot. But let it pass and just relax and remember to treat them as you'd want to be treated. Don't be a jackass, don't be rude. Sheesh. I see this all the time myself and it does get me a little mad.

When I was in Europe hanging out after the No Mercy fest, there were tons of bands walking around outside, right in front of the venue...Marduk, Darkane, Nuclear Assault, Testament...and they didn't get mobbed; the people were patient, considerate, and just sort of milled around and chatted with them all. Pics were taken, stuff signed, the whole nine! and these bands stuck around outside for quite awhile. Here, if that happened, whoooosh!!! a rush. i just don't get it.
yeah, it's really crazy, ridiculous and even scary how people act when they gotta meet a bandmember.... I mean, the poor guys! they're also only humans....and to bother for example roope by telling him that alexi is such a great guitarplayer blabla.... that's unbelievable! I guess it's hard enough for the guy that he's "only" session-member... and to know, that you're a legend in finland and the teacher of alexi and than to hear such comments surely makes you going mad....
whatever, nice story, Syd, that rocks! and to have a beer with you wouldn't bother me either;-)