my alexi encounter

wow, when my drummer told me everyone in the cob forums were cocksuckers i didnt believe him, but now i have a new vision of things!!
Venymous said:
im not 21 so i cant drink yet. and im a skinny, so my pushing doesnt go very far haha i tend to get sandwiched

ripper? a badass? hardly imo. since ive heard of the guy, he has ruined 2 great metal bands, priest and now iced earth.
thank you!!!!!!!

this is first time ive ever seen anyone hold my point of view... FUCK ripper!
one time i was taking a test in class and then i swallowed, and hiccuped at the same time, then i burped really loudly, then swallowed my barf, and then i yelled, i forgot why, and then i think i farted. it was not fun.