Alexi signed my Rhoads V last night!!


Oct 4, 2003
Plano, TX
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:OMG: i left the guitar in my gf's trunk for the show, and while iced earth was on i waited outside the tour bus... i'm not sure who it was, i don't think it was a band member, but it was a crew member, came out, and i was like "i brought my guitar, i was wondering if the band could sign it" he said something about not knowing where alexi was, said to give him 15 and he'd get it signed... so i go get the ax, find him again, he takes it on the bus, and alexi and roope sign it! it was badass... but when alexi finally came out, he ignored me, signed a few other peoples things, and walked right by me... i figure he was pissed off about the sound of the show, the sound guy messed up a few times... oh well maybe next time i'll get to actually meet him... i'm gonna clearcoat the top of this guitar to make the sig permanent!
AlexiFollower said:
mine will be signed tuesday night :) gonna get it signed on the headstock though, so when i switch it to a 24fret neck i can just put the 22fret neck on the wall

mines neck thru... and how would u "switch" to a 24 fret neck without changing the scale or totally ditching the neck pickup and blocking it off? seems like tons and tons of work to go to 24 fret...
pallarandersvisa said:
looks like i got the same guitar as you, cept i polish my gold plates everytime i play. so they dont fade as quick
actually i picked up some gold polish today, while i have the hardware off i'm clearcoating the sigs into the guitar and polishing all the metal
got 2 coats of clear on, waiting 15 minutes for the 3rd... and the metal polished right up, its beautiful now, polished everything... i'll take pics when i'm done
Personally man, i;d never let anyone write on my guitar, especially a $1000 one... but hey man, who am i to complain? if it makes you happy then its all fucking good :D
What the hell are y'all bitchin' about? If I met Michael Angelo and had my axe with me I would be a complete ass if I didn't have him sign it....same goes for Alexi and/or Roope, Yngwie and the lot.
I'm not moaning about the fact he got his rhaods signed, i'm saying, i personally would not desecrate a fine guitar with magic marker.