Meet alexi on gigantour question? About autograph!

So my question is for anyone who has met Bodom in person, how are they about talking with fans? I was thinking of maybe bringing a CD or something for them to sign, but I dont wanna annoy them. If I was to ask them to sign a CD, from peoples personal experiences, how are they about this? Its not so important to me where Id wanna actually annoy them or be a bother, so I figured id just see if anyone had any personal insight.

If you want something signed, or a picture with them, do it after the show, at the tour buses. That is the time the guys are MORE than happy to sign things, interact and be nice in that "autographs for me please" kind of way. If you do it in the bar, when they're trying to relax, it might be annoying to them. That is their time to relax you know, they just did a show, and if they do go out into the bar that mean they feel comfortable enough in that setting they WON'T run into a fan and have that kind of thing, although EVEN if you did, they'd still sign it for you. All the Bodom guys are really nice, except Janne can seem kind of a dick at first... depends on his mood I guess. Alexi is nice too, but kind of a fake nice, I don't know that is just what I get. They aren't assholes by any means though. Good luck.