COB at Jaxx


Your Executioner
Nov 23, 2001
yo mamas ass
Met Roope and Alexi

hahaha funny thing we saw alexi walking down the street with a case of miller light (VERY SHITTY AMERICAN BEER) me and a bro went to the seven eleven and bought him some GOOD american beer (yuengling) hahahahah it was great we talked with him and had lots of fun talked with roope also..... I got to converse with Roope a second time but he was so drunk it was hard to understand him hahahaha over all cob are very nice guys KEEP ON ROCKING MFERS!
yeahhhh Bodomite!! fuckin real beer! lol

Yeah, so me and Bodomite got taken to the front of the bus to give them some real beer and we chatted with alexi and roope for a while. Took pics. But afterwards, was the real fun. me and a friend met Alexi one on one and we just chatted for 20 minutes about nothing really. got the inside scoop on why Ale left, heard how alexi recruited Roope for sinergy, talked about Alexi's cars, his home, how the idiots at 7-11 didnt know what the European Union was so they couldnt buy beer. It was fun. Then all of a sudden the huge horde of fans came out when Iced Earth finished and mobbed him, so we got the fuck outa there. Met Jaska for a second too, but his english isnt the best so..... :/ Nice people though. I almost talked to Janne and Henkaa but they were both eating at a bagel shop so i didnt really want to bother them. 0

i will post pics later. i took like 80 god damn pictures last night!!

Bodomite, Roope, and Me


Me and Alexi


Jaska and I
"dude, thats fuckin crazy that you got on their tour bus. was this right after bodom? or like way before or somethin"
we didnt get ON their bus, we got brought to the front door. it was way before the show. probably like 3 hours before
Talked about the bunny's HOME? Does he have a new house/apartment or what?
Just askin btw, dont wanna stalk him or some shite like that...I have a life too y'know ;)