COB in St Louis


Hypocrisy rules!!!!!
Jan 18, 2002
Las Cruces, NM
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This past thursday, I went to Pops to see Children of bodom. I was eagerly anticipating this show for about 3 months now. What im about to say may piss some of you off, so this is fair warning.

Cob hit the stage with "are you dead yet", which was a bad way to start the set if you ask me. They played a ton of tracks from the hatecrew deathroll album (which i think is their worst album to date). Alexi's vocals sounded like shit the whole show. he coud'nt hit the screams from the older material (follow the reaper, everytime i die, Downfall). Jaska couldnt do the fast double-bass drumming during "Downfall" to save his life-he was looking down at his feet during those parts. Alexi was improvising leads the whole show and Janne was doing the same with the keys. Hell, the best songs they played were the songs from the new record (LDB and In your face to be specific)

Also, man, these guys are all around my age (accept Roope-alexi is 3 months older than me). I was at their first american show at the Milwaukee metalfest in 2000. these "kids" have aged SO SO much in 5 1/2 years its not even funny. Alexi is going bald and Janne's hair is thining out beyond belief. Too much partying? discuss...

The crowd was awful-a bunch of teenie bopers that have become bodom fans in the past year or so. how did they get this younger crowd all of a sudden? Are they getting attention from metalcore fan kids?

bottom line-way too much improv, bad song selection, teenie bopper crowd and mid-20's metal stars aging into their mid 30's too quickly.
Firefest9 said:
Jaska couldnt do the fast double-bass drumming during "Downfall" to save his life-he was looking down at his feet during those parts.

You figured he couldn't do them just because he was looking down at his feet? That certainly doesn't mean anything, he usually does that. And don't forget his broken rib... That was probably the main reason for dropping the drum solo out.

The crowd was awful-a bunch of teenie bopers that have become bodom fans in the past year or so. how did they get this younger crowd all of a sudden? Are they getting attention from metalcore fan kids?

You have no idea? AYDY is more mainstream, easy music for kids. They lost many fans after AYDY, but hell, they did get more.
Jesse- said:
You figured he couldn't do them just because he was looking down at his feet? That certainly doesn't mean anything, he usually does that. And don't forget his broken rib... That was probably the main reason for dropping the drum solo out.

You have no idea? AYDY is more mainstream, easy music for kids. They lost many fans after AYDY, but hell, they did get more.

well said. :)
I don't understand your qualms with their visual appearance, but yeah, you have a few valid points. First of all, Alexi pretty much improvises every fill and solo and always has live (except on Tokyo Warhearts to an extent) and his improvisational skills are lacking. He spends too much time playing generic pentatonics and pinch harmonics as well as whammy bar shit, and it's something that COB fans have to get used to. Either he can't play his recorded solos or is bored of them (although in my opinion they're wayyy better than anything he has ever improvised). Janne gets really drunk at gigs, so he fucks up a lot, but it's usually tolerable considering keyboard sounds are more forgiving than a distorted guitar. Like Jesse- said, Jaska's rib is broken. And of course the fans are going to be getting younger and stupider as Bodom latches on to upcoming trends (they have to make money, it's their fucking living). These kids, like you, will eventually grow up and most likely enjoy other types of music or metal and are going through a learning experience. If they don't learn about music and shows now, they never will, and they have the right to be at the show, as we all do.
Yep, they do have to make money, like everyone...I bet you'd be pissed if you worked your ass off but only made very little. At least I would! Valid point GOP.
I respect and understand that to some degree at least; as long as there's hard work and dedication for music on their part, and they don't start treating their fans like total shit it's okay.
But yeah, sounds like they obviously weren't at their best in St Louis.

But what's up with "Alexi going bald"?:lol:
I enjoyed it. Was it better than Opeth? NAH! Pops is not the greatest nightclub either. Their layout is all chopped up IMHO. The stage is place wrong, etc.

Opeth didn't have quite the turnout COB did either.

The sound was ganked a bit. God Forbid was louder. But as I got closer to stage for COB, they were louder... :headbang: (duh).

I think Alexi was losing his voice too, or sick like the rest of us. If you listened to him talking you could tell a huge difference between St. Louis, and say Tokyo Warhearts. I think they were all hurting. Look at the tour schedule and see how you would feel night after night after night :erk: , with no break, doing the same exact thing! I couldn't do it. :zombie: Hell, I'm still recovering from Thursday night four days later!

As far as teenie boppers, in the case of my son, yes, they are new fans. My son's favorite tune is In Your Face (new), and he has heard all discs ('cause Dad owns!). Not sure what to tell you.
Firefest9 said:
The crowd was awful-a bunch of teenie bopers that have become bodom fans in the past year or so. how did they get this younger crowd all of a sudden? Are they getting attention from metalcore fan kids?

bottom line-way too much improv, bad song selection, teenie bopper crowd and mid-20's metal stars aging into their mid 30's too quickly.

I for one thought they kicked major ass. This is coming from a guy who lost interest in CoB for awhile. Possibly one of the best shows I have seen this year. I counted more fat old smelly 30 year old men than so called "teeny boppers." Yeah there were a few teens there but the majority of the audience was 21+. Sorry you didn't like the show, but many others did.

Yeah I agree with PA that Opeth was an amazing show. I was only pissed off that Nevermore didn't make it out.
Firefest9 said:
This past thursday, I went to Pops to see Children of bodom. I was eagerly anticipating this show for about 3 months now. What im about to say may piss some of you off, so this is fair warning.

Cob hit the stage with "are you dead yet", which was a bad way to start the set if you ask me. They played a ton of tracks from the hatecrew deathroll album (which i think is their worst album to date). Alexi's vocals sounded like shit the whole show. he coud'nt hit the screams from the older material (follow the reaper, everytime i die, Downfall). Jaska couldnt do the fast double-bass drumming during "Downfall" to save his life-he was looking down at his feet during those parts. Alexi was improvising leads the whole show and Janne was doing the same with the keys. Hell, the best songs they played were the songs from the new record (LDB and In your face to be specific)

Also, man, these guys are all around my age (accept Roope-alexi is 3 months older than me). I was at their first american show at the Milwaukee metalfest in 2000. these "kids" have aged SO SO much in 5 1/2 years its not even funny. Alexi is going bald and Janne's hair is thining out beyond belief. Too much partying? discuss...

The crowd was awful-a bunch of teenie bopers that have become bodom fans in the past year or so. how did they get this younger crowd all of a sudden? Are they getting attention from metalcore fan kids?

bottom line-way too much improv, bad song selection, teenie bopper crowd and mid-20's metal stars aging into their mid 30's too quickly.

agreed! im glad someone else felt the same as me. :)
the show was AWESOME, dont know what the f you guys are talking about :)
they went all out... they were having fun themselves just as the audience was having fun. and if you don't just stand there, waiting for one of them to mess up, but actually enjoy the show - it wouldn't be so bad.
as for improvising - everyone does it. you can't expect Alexi to pull off all his solos during a concert. if you wanna listen to solos, get in your car and put in their CD. if you want to see a show from them, you have got to accept that everything wont be perfect... i mean, they could stand still and play all of their parts, but that would suck. they try to make it fun, so they head-bang, run around, do all sorts of crazy things - just so that it would be interesting! try playing clean when you're walking/running around, head banging!
I just thought i would throw my 2 cents at you guys since im not on here that often (which i should be). I was just not happy with the setlist in general, the crowd and the fact they improvised too much.

the highlights of the show were actually the new songs-LDB and In your face. I am actually a huge fan of AYDY. My 3rd fav album from the band (follow the reaper and Hatebreeder are 1 and 2).
I guess you could call me a younger fan. I'm 17.

I thought the concert was awesome. I didn't notice a HUGE amount of the "teenie boppers". I did see a few when I was standing by the cig machine. The crowd was alot more mature than I'm used to at concerts. The concert was pretty awesome music wise (cept for that metalcore band that played first, they were shitty).

Only part I didn't enjoy was the first band, the kid that came up to me and hassled me for wearing the AYDY concert T but you'll always have people like that. And I wish they would of played another song or two from Hatebreeder ( Silent Night, Bodom Night or Bed of Razors)

Favorite part was probably when Bodom played "Hate Me" because that's my favorite song of Bodom's
I feel like an ass......That never happened... :Smug:

I don't know why I wrote Roses instead of Razors...hmm maybe I was listening to GNR...I dunno
Rikkno said:
I feel like an ass......That never happened... :Smug:

I don't know why I wrote Roses instead of Razors...hmm maybe I was listening to GNR...I dunno

Don't worry about it. :heh: