COB in Montreal


Syrian lost in montreal
Feb 5, 2005
just came back fron the Montreal gig,the 2nd in 2 months here and both were sold out
COB ruled as always and so did Amon Amarth:hotjump:
.....though trivium was really gay:yuk:
unless you re into nu metal shit:OMG:
great show and hope to see the lads again soon
i m happy to see that the pix i took and the small vids(cheers to my motorola V635) were great!!!!!!!!
and yeah as Alexi said....mery fucking Xmas :D
I went to the show to
God it was so good to see Laiho doing in thing
Amon Amarth was really good, i just love his horn ;)

I didn't know Trivium and they made a good show.
I'll by their CD soon enough.
Amazing show;)
Can't wait to see COB again
2 words about last night show FUCKING AMAZING!!!! best show ive seen yet Amon Amarth kicked ass and Trivium put on a good show but C.O.B was ...well lets say....AMAZING cant wait for them to come back on March:headbang:
Definitely amazing ! Just the fact they played lake bodom made my night :D

Even though i didn't eat i was so hungry i felt bad, but damn was it good :eek:
Holy shit,CoB put on the best show I've ever seen!!!I hope they keep coming back often.I don't think they should have a problem since they sold out the lest 2 times in 2 months.
Eric Paradox said:
Amazingly good show. Bodom was great but I'd have to say Amon Amarth stole the night.

yep they did awesome, even though i was right up front when they played, so the sound was not really good, maybe was it better upstairs ??
I was pretty close to the front too, but I had good earplugs so it sounded nice and clear. One thing I love about the Medley is that they always have great sound.

Children though, I thought they were too heavy on the keyboards, the first couple songs almost sounded like dance/techno or something because the keyboards were so overpowering... or maybe that's just the way the new material sounds, I don't know what those first few were.

I was really happy to hear Lake Bodom though! And I'm pretty sure they played something else off of Something Wild.. regardless, they played an hour and a half and did mostly older material, lotta Follow The Reaper. great set.
yea, well honestly it was so hot upfront and fuck im not really tall i knew when CoB would appear id choke lol, so i thought id go upstairs and sound would be better anyway, and i was right, and i could see everyone, it was really cool.
fuck yeah, that show was amazing. I didn't go to the one in november... couldn't wait. was it actually us that made them play lake bodom? we yelled it after every song... they couldnt just ignore us lol. thanks to the guy that told everyone when we were waiting in line... "lake bodom, comme dans "bodom" de neige.... LOL)

I still can't believe they played kissing the shadows... and overall the band seemed very happy to play for us again.

trivium was pretty cool too, no one can say the opposite... even if you hate them for some reason, they put on an good show as well.

as for amon amarth... well i was surprised. in a good way. they really were awesome. I'll check out more of their stuff

my friend took some pics.. with a 10$ camera we had just bought at jean coutu lol.... prolly will look like shit, but I'll post the ones that are decent (if there are any)

and to the post above, you prolly did well, I managed to squeeze in up front, and now my body hurts everywhere lol. but it was really fun, though I couldn't really hear anything else than roope's guitar.

yea man i don't think they would've played lake bodom if that guy didn't came and yelled at everyone to scream "Lake Bodom !!!" after every song :D

Maybe I say you ? anyway, i was the guy with little glasses and probly the only one with a "Trashed, Lost & Strungout" shirt lol...

but when i was up front i was at the left, so chances are we didn't see each other anyway.
probably not, I was at the right end XD

dyingslow, could you put those pics and vids online? it'd be really appreciated by all of us... thanks!
they change the set list 10 minutes before the show ... they didn't hace have lake bodom before the change ...
I was at the show too and it totally ROCKED!! :worship:

It was the first time I got to see Children of Bodom.. and wooow! I loved it! Lake Bodom, Silent Night Bodom Night, Follow the Reaper, Downfall.. :OMG:
The Bringer said:
What exactly was the setlist? Sounds pretty killer :D

yeah, serious... someone said something about a lot of FTR, thats gotta be so cool to see live
hell i was in front i was sweating as hell could'nt manage to take a good shot cause i was trashing to much god damn i had a blast...hey by the way any body went to meet them after the show ??? maybe i saw a couple of you guys...