Will CoB Ever Get a Regular Replacement Guitarist?

arch_enemy666 said:
I Was just recently thinking about how Roope still is only a fill in, so i was wondering if CoB even wants to get a new Axe Man. If it were up to me I would just leave it with the 4 members and Roope to play on the tours because Roope just fits so well with them in the live show, they have such a good on stage presence, and since Alexi doest want the same two guitarist writing songs for two different bands, I am sure roope would not mind the 4 originals goin off to do CoB albums (also since Alexi write most himself anyways).

If you can understand any of what I just said.

I don't think it's an issue having the Alexi & Roope writing for two bands, compare CoB and Sinergy, they're very different. Alexi & Roope could probably make them selfs sound however they want.

I would like to see Roope be a full writing, recording, press doing member.
Just imagine, three solo's in each song!!!
arch_enemy666 said:
Does anyone know if Roope plays any lead on the new material?

I hardly belive he will not. He is still in bodom just to help out his mates untill they find a replacement and Alexi does not need help with anything related to guitar playing.

Extendar said:

I didn't read every msg on the thread so I don't know if this has been mentioned already but Roope doesn't play in Waltari anymore.

Ok, sorry about the confuse.