Alexi article and a guestion


Something Funny
May 14, 2004
WA State

I have a question thats probably been covered allready on the board, but I'm too lazy to go look through the back pages so I figured if I brought an offering there would be no hard feelings.

Whats going on in CoB as far as replacement guitarist? Is Roope permanent or still temporary? The last I heared was that CoB would look for a replacement at the end of the last north american tour which obviously didn't happen. Are they still going to get a new member or what?
Roope is still temporary but was extented to the 2nd US tour. They going to start looking again when they get back to Finland and the DVD's done and all the other stuff.
Hey, interesting article, where do u have it from? Some guitar magazine I guess?
Anawayz, thanks for sharing it! :)
Until now Roope has been a session member of COB as far as I know, but he's interested in joining permanently (apparently that's what he told a few ppl who met him).
The Lanturn Nut, It's from Guitar World.

I think it would be cool if Roope was a permenent member. I'd hate to see CoB turn into one of those bands with a revolving door lineup, Alexi said CoB has a gang mentality-hence the Hate Crew. But I wonder if Alexi would let Roope do solos or write anything?
Thanx Axxmaster.
"But I wonder if Alexi would let Roope do solos or write anything?"
Hmm, I don't know if Alexi is a "dictator"......?
Well, other band members said he isn't ;)
Use search.. ah, you won't do it anyway so what the hell :

Shadeg 27.3.04 said:
COB got some sort of award and they had to play at the award ceremony or something like that and all the big guys from the record label etc were watching the show, so they really had to do a good gig. Unfortunately it was a fucking mess and they broke guitar strings etc and everything went straight to hell. I think Alexi said he wished that the gig would've been over already after the first song but it only got worse and worse.. :p
gkelter said:
Roope has unofficially confirmed to fans that he is permanent.

Yeah he already did that last summer but unfortunately he was the only one in COB who was convinced about that :lol:...we'll see. Would be cool anyway.