Proof that humans can fly

i love how the news replayed the footage over and over again, and in slow motion, like its a game or something. Im more pissed at the news than the kid to be honest.
Is anyone here from Lee County? Please, do everyone a favour and go break the guys face:bah:

You can't do that to a innocent baby, just cause oyu think it'd be fun to vid and put on the internet. Seriously someone needs to break the kids face.
Seriously, I still can't believe it. Whenever I see a baby I feel like holding it in my arms and smile at it and try to make it laugh, not throw it in the air...

Well, some people hate babies. Myself, I prefer to ignore them when possible. I guess I rightfully lack a maternal instinct cuz I'm male :goggly:
What fucking planet was that boy raised on that he never learned how damaging that could be to an infant's brain? Fucking trash. I hope he pays big time and the parents of the infant get a restraining order for the sake of their baby.