
Haha, I don't think I could bring myself to pay $70 for any CD, even with music as good as Theocracy's on it.
LOL, I always swore Theocracy's music was worth a million dollars... but I'm glad the new album won't have that price tag!

... and speaking of proof, I used to think you could find anything on eBay, but searching for Theocracy never turns up anything - no one's willing to sell! I've looked for the original album cover black t-shirt that Metal Ages used to sell - but obviously no-one who has rare vintage Theocracy is willing to part with it!
Really? I would *highly* appreciate it!!!

Send me an email, and I'll get back to you! :kickass:

...Well, I don't have a PURCHASED copy of Theocracy's CD. I downloaded it last year, to see if I liked it (like a trial. Not liked it like a trial, but tried it out, to see if I liked it). Theocracy has since turned into my favorite band, so I think buying the CD would be well justified.
It's got 2 5/5 stars reviews, adding to the Encyclopaedia Metalum reviews (94%), and Metal Observers and Metal Storms (8/10) I can honestly say this album is without a doubt one of the best ever (fans don't slash me :D). No one has yet to say anything bad about this release.
Matt I hope you're proud you huge inflating ego you.
The worse thing about the album is that it ends. Bring on Mirror of Mat, or Mat of Mirrors, or whatever the heck its called.