Protest the Hero Indiegogo Campaign

Put in $25. I love their albums and those clips sounded like more awesome. Thanks for the heads up.

Edit: They're over half way already. And someone took the $5k slot. That person must really love some PtH.
Pretty incredible that a band that size is going to continue without a label. I wonder if this is gong to be a trend to come.
This is probably the most popular band I've seen do something like this, and they're probably going to reach the goal in like 3 days.
This is enough for me to look into their work - I respect folks who think outside the box like this.

Plus, I like pizza, a lot.
Am I reading this right? In under 24 hours, Protest the Hero not only reached their $125K goal, but EXCEEDED it by $12K?

Out-fucking-rageous! I gotta respect that. I bet the band is just floored.

Impressive indeed. Much respect to them. Looking forward to seeing whether or not they took advantage of thousands of people, or if they'll just waste $125k. :lol:
Am I reading this right? In under 24 hours, Protest the Hero not only reached their $125K goal, but EXCEEDED it by $12K?

Out-fucking-rageous! I gotta respect that. I bet the band is just floored.

Well to be fair, Tim Schafer raised 4x that much in 24 hours and then 40 x that in around a month through Kickstarter for his adventure game, and alot of other indie game companies raised millions through their kickstarter pages, PTH's campaign isn't super impressive when you consider the grand scheme of things. However, on the other hand, I guess it is super impressive considering most bands don't really go through crowdfunding so this is kind of a first for a "big" band.
Well to be fair, Tim Schafer raised 4x that much in 24 hours and then 40 x that in around a month through Kickstarter for his adventure game, and alot of other indie game companies raised millions through their kickstarter pages, PTH's campaign isn't super impressive when you consider the grand scheme of things. However, on the other hand, I guess it is super impressive considering most bands don't really go through crowdfunding so this is kind of a first for a "big" band.
That's what I mean, it's gotta be the biggest strictly fan-funded project campaign thus far. They're at nearly $150K and they've still got like 29 days to go. Just bonkers to me, it's a huge chunk of money, whether a video game kickstarter made more or not!
That's what I mean, it's gotta be the biggest strictly fan-funded project campaign thus far.

Amanda Palmer became the talk of the musicoblogosphere last year after her Kickstarter got $300K in 24 hours, eventually ending at $1.2M. So I think she remains the gold standard in music crowd-funding. But I wouldn't expect PTH's fans to be quite as adoring as AP's, so their tally is still pretty impressive too.
Amanda Palmer became the talk of the musicoblogosphere last year after her Kickstarter got $300K in 24 hours, eventually ending at $1.2M. So I think she remains the gold standard in music crowd-funding. But I wouldn't expect PTH's fans to be quite as adoring as AP's, so their tally is still pretty impressive too.

Heh that's interesting, I guess she left Roadrunner on her own terms after all the restructuring?