Protest the Hero Indiegogo Campaign

I'm really glad they're so successful at this. I'd love to see crowd-funding become a viable option and consideration for bands. Hopefully, they'll take the extra money and put it into distribution channels and tour funding. This is really a promising start to a business revolution. I know it won't work for small bands and wouldn't be managable for bands the size of Iron Maiden, but I'd love to see more bands move to a fan-funded model.
I find it funny how many people are criticizing the amount of money they set for the goal, as if 125 grand is way too much to make an album. It's actually kind of sad. Sure, you can make a great record for 2,000 bucks these days, but 15 years ago, 125 grand to make an album wasn't just the standard, it was the only way to make a listenable record. And I think it's going to be really funny when kids hear a "modern" band that appeals to them put out material that was recorded with real drums, real gear, with real microphones, with real engineers, on a real analog mixing board, no pro tools, no autotune, no quantizing. The difference in sound will be unbelievable.

Lol I know nothing about making an album but you guys are greedy pigs for asking for 125k.

I know nothing about writing but it certainly doesn't seem unreasonable for a mid-tier somewhat successful band to put forth that kind of cash for gear, studio rental, and professional engineers. I mean, you're making a product, you want it to shine. I looked at their breakdown, seemed reasonable.
This is amazing for them. 125k is a very reasonable idea for a band their size. Many bands spend this before hey even see their first true dime of profit. I assume now, they may have funds to completely release the album by theirselves? I mean this could cover a few tours, recording and promotion! Great for them. I imagine many other bands will start picking this up.
This has been interesting to watch for sure! I know of a local band that raised $25K to make a new record late last year. Like I said, they're very local to me. Still, I thought that was impressive as well. Maybe this sort of thing is part of the answer for underground musicians to start making some money, plus enabling them to put some TLC to their recordings. Who knows.

I do have a question though. Does something like this put more of a damper on independent labels that actually try to conduct honest business with their artist...examples being Sensory and Nightmare?

Kudos to them. 230K and counting at this point. Fans are the biggest motivators of a band and now they can do it financially by buying the album in advance of it's recording. brilliant.
Thread necromancy!

I finally got my copy in. The thank you sheet is truly impressive.




The amount of names on that sheet is almost overwhelming (I'm the mostly bulls-eyed name that you probably are wondering how the hell to pronounce.), and the thank you note is very nice.


Every aspect of Volition was made possible by the generous contributions of thousands. Thousands of people who, without hearing a single note, put their faith in us to make them something special. We truly hope we have made you proud. These songs are for and dedicated to all of you:"

It gives me the warm and fuzzies. And of course the album is awesome. Possibly my favorite one yet.