ProTools Users


Mar 16, 2008
Sydney, Australia
Sorry in advance Guys, This is one of those n00b questions for something so basic, but i would really appreciate some help.

When Im recording in PTLE 7.4 I keep Getting Clicks and Pops. Anybody Know how to combat this?

Heres my Setup if it helps

Windows XP (SP3)
PTLE 7.4
2 GB Ram (Going to 4gb in the next few days)
2x80 GB HD (one System One Audio)
Digi 003 Console

Recording at 24/48

Its been suggested to me that it was a word clock Problem, Both are set to internal.

Thanks anybody :)
I got clicks and pops in Audition 3.0 due to a latency problem.... I just rebooted and re-enabled my Alesis io|26 interface and it was alright.
On a separate occasion, I had a loose pickup peg flopping around. :)
uuuhhhh try checking your buffer size. go to setup/playback engine. mess with the dae playback buffer i think. this may fix it i dont know. i think lower uses less cpu. someone correct me if im wrong im not a huge techie on this stuff.
No extrnal ADATs.

Ive tried Buffer settings. Think im gonna work with Sample Rates and see if that helps. I know Sample Rates are Directly Related to word Clock. I just thought somebody else may have experienced the same problems and Had a quick Fix.
Ok, so Now ive Messed with every Buffer setting in the playback engine, and did different combinations of bit rates and sample rates. Still Pops and clicks.

One thing i have noticed. It happens more regularly when i have mulitple tracks of about 4 or more recording simultaniously. Now because all my recording involves 8 track close drum micing its essential to have 8 simultaneous tracks.

Also I have Noticed, that Theres no poping or clicking when recording in Cubase with the 003. This has made me come to the conclusion that its a Software/hardware communication problem and not a hardware problem - Phew!!

So with all That, does anybody have any idea how on earth im Going to fix this????

You need to download the latest CS update for pro tools

Fixes Included from Pro Tools LE 7.4cs3

Fixed: When Monitoring All Inputs on 003 Factory, Random Pops and Clicks Could Occur on Inputs 4-8 (Item #101084)

* Although this is not likely to occur on 003 Rack, this update is recommended for both 003 Factory (console) and 003 Rack
Is this something that has recently started happening or has it always done this?

It definitely has nothing to do with wordclock if you aren't connecting to any other devices

BTW. cs 4 is the latest update.

is your firewire card one of the ones recommended by digi?
Is this something that has recently started happening or has it always done this?

It definitely has nothing to do with wordclock if you aren't connecting to any other devices

BTW. cs 4 is the latest update.

is your firewire card one of the ones recommended by digi?

indeed it is; got it this morning, just noticed that the problrm couldve been fied by getting it
I had the same problem with my Nuendo/RME gear.

I finally used External BNC Word Clock Cables to Sync my gear instead of relying on the ADAT cables and the problem went away.

One of my RME Converters had a flashing green light that told me I was having Clock syncing issues even though the settings were exactly the same as my other RME Converter.

Since using Pro Tools HD with the same BNC Cables to sync my Converters I still dont have any clicks or pops.

I know how much it sucks.

I would mostly get them when recording distorted Guitars.
Only clicks and pops I've ever gotten in PT was from having a Projectmix and an RME ff400 on the same (cheap) FW card. Fixed by disconnecting the FF400, then later by upgrading the firewire card.

I've never once heard clicks and pops due to buffer size though. (in Pro Tools)
Wow, You guys are so helpful.

Ill get hold of th latest update and get onto it.

My 003 is new,perhaps a week or 2 old. this was the only thing i hadent fixed while setting it up and getting used to it.

Thanks for all your help.

Does anybody have direct link to the d/l? or instructions on getting it.
Also, It makes sense that the Patch would fix it, Cubase does not se the CS featured on Digi003, and these problems were not experienced when sing Cubase SX 3

Will have to wait Till tmro Night, But thanks again
Holy Shit

Just recorded 8 Tracks Simultaneosly for 5 minutes straight silence.


Thanks AudioGeekZine Those Drivers worked a treat.

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