Prozak Strikes Again

by saying their Nihilists they mean their Facists but too chickenshit to come out and say it.

if you want a laught go to their message baord and read. proff that for superior beings Neo Nazi balck metal heads sure are afwul stupid
Meh. appreciates music as an art. I choose to appreciate it as entertainment, therefore I have no need of the site. It's interesting to read it, though.
I would agree with some of the points.

No black metal left anymore, well not many, Dark Funeral, Carpathian Forest are about the closest things I can think of.

Impiety are still fairly out there.

Immortal were clinging on just about, Satyricon are a joke nowadays, A friend of mine went to a Satyricon gig recently and saw Frost walking round in an Adidas tracksuit and his corpsepaint on before the gig.
All these Cradle Of Filth and Dimmu Borgir's and Graveworm's are just popular commercial bands.

Some good old Graveland or Dissection anyday.
Heavy Metal Samurai said:
I would agree with some of the points.

No black metal left anymore, well not many, Dark Funeral, Carpathian Forest are about the closest things I can think of.

(Norwegian) Ragnarok? Taake? Darkthrone?

Well that's a matter of opinion.

Ok fair enough, maybe Ragnarok.

but 5 bands left in the world.

Black Metal is pretty much dead though, It has been dumbed down for the masses, I see kids in Dimmu Borgir hoodies and the other day I saw a guy in a Mayhem hoodie and he hadn't even heard anything by Mayhem.

Posers :yell:

Carpathian Forest were unbelieveable at Wacken, some fucked up guys.
I think I can name more than 5 black metal bands. What about Krieg, Gorgoroth, Judas Iscariot, Taake (if you are unfamiliar with them, check them out - they're brilliant), Ragnarok, Darkthrone, Nargaroth, Marduk, and Absu to name a few. Remember, black metal can have melodic elements (synths are OK with me if used correctly!) and still be "black metal".
To elaborate a bit, there are LOTS of black metal bands active today, but this is not necessarily a good thing.

As the article touched upon, there is a huge trend with bands that copy the form and aesthetic elements of Burzum, Darkthrone, Mayhem and other important bands, mimicking perhaps Burzum's vocals, or Darkthrone's melodicism, or Mayhem's production, or whatever it might be, but often these bands have nothing important to communicate at all. Who wants to listen to fifth-rate versions of "Transilvanian Hunger," without all the honesty that made the original so great? Lyrical depth is often zero, originality and good song writing frequently absent, and frankly it's starting to piss me off since for every good new band there will be 10 that are nothing but faint carbon copies of better bands.

Since black metal became a genre among all others, accepted by metal fans in general, it seems everyone into Darkthrone and their dogs start bands after a while without vision and/or musical talent, and this is what happens. You can't even count on most labels to sign the quality bands and leave the rest to die either, because unfortunately it seems clonery sells. is stupid as hell. Planetary DROOLugy is a prozac lapdog as well. Dont pay any attention to what he has to say he is too busy sucking prozacs cock to make since.
You do have to understand that is neo nazism, is that good or bad? Thats for you to decide. As for black metal bands being dead, it depends what you interpet as black metal these days, and who you ask.

Yes many of black metal bands that do come out today, are not 100% black metal, they are like the article says, copies. To be 100% black metal, you have to have feeling. For instance I can listen to bathory 24/7 but I can't listen to Nile at all (Yes, I do consider Nile as a black metal band, if you beleive im wrong, each to his own I guess). Why? I dont feel the black metal I feel from bathory as in Nile. That or I just dont like the band period. Who knows.

As for that dimmu hoodie comment and mayhem...I will never understand why people wear anything of the bands...the band does not make any money off this merchandise, and if they do, then they are what you hate...sellouts (i'm not calling any band a sellout, this is just a term most people here use describing what I just wrote previously). As for the excuse of "publicity", generating a bigger crowd for that specific bands concert...In a way thats redundant considering you don't wish those people to be with you in the same concert, considering yes they are posers if they saw your bands t-shirt, they bought one album and they think they worthy of going to that bands concert.

As you can see in my last statement, i said worthy of going...I beleive those who do attend a bands concert should be worthy of seen a band live, not just because they bought 1 or 2 albums, or they know the guitarists name or whatever the reason maybe...this is just my opinion. It might sound stupid to some. Maybe im trailing off here, but I hope some get my point.