Prozak Strikes Again

I don't really listen to black metal that much but I can kind of see where this article is coming from. I also now understand why people don't like Dimmu Borgir.

Btw, I like Dimmu Borgir.
Guardian Of Darkness said:
I'm not actually particularly ashamed of my "old self", it's not like any of you came out of the womb brimming with knowledge, everyone evolves.
I can't wait until you turn 28 and realize that you, like everyone else on planet Earth, knows absolutely nothing. :)
Hahaha, evolves. Now you're preaching philosophy? Pure shit. Talk about music, let people have opinions, learn from mistakes. That is how we evolve.
Everyone begins with that knee-jerk hostility PE mentioned (and few overcome it), so I'm not ashamed of my former self. That was my point.
Planetary Eulogy said:
It's funny how often liberals pay lip service (and by "lip service" I mean "slobbery verbal fellatio") to the ideal of "open mindedness" while simultaneously mocking those who have encoutered new ideas and, after initial knee-jerk hostility, have altered their own beliefs to incorporate the new knowledge they have come in contact with (unlike liberals, who would have rejected fire and the wheel if some Jew had muttered "fascist!" upon their invention).
I wouldn't really call myself a liberal, not that that's necessarily implied in your post. I laugh firstly because GoD's views seemed to change overnight (when, as can clearly be seen in this thread, he knew about anus' opinions long before his little enlightenment). Secondly, he uses that obnoxious, high and mighty tone in his posts which is one thing he was anti-anus about in the first place. It's not just a slight alter of a belief, it's a complete change of character - and it's funny.
Admitting that I was wrong a few months ago is far easier than when I originally started to abandon my own views in realisation and acceptance that they were illogical.
In point of fact, "count" is derived from a Latin word meaning "companion" (and the connotation is "companion" in the sense of noble adherents to a warlord, i.e. the "Companion" Cavalry of Alexander the Great). It shares the same root as comitatus (the act of swearing fealty to a liege), a root that also gives us English words like "commitment."
Re: views changing, we all grow.

Re: count, Grishnack may or may not have thought of it - his knowledge of philology surpasses his knowledge of modern music.
Erik said:
That's what I was referring to, but I highly doubt that Count Grishnack thought about that when he chose to use the name back in 1990-something.

considering that he preferred the germanic "greifi" rather than "count" or another term originating from latin it seems quite doubtful that he was aware of the word origins or cared.
So know we judge bands based on the brand of clothing they wear (Satyricon)?

Wow, I feel so proud to be a part of this community.
@ Prozak > vel, it is good to write dense texts to critic, point out, notice how wrong the metal things are going ('cause they are going on anyway), but, what do YOU do to change the things man ?
To write in exterior, yet superior (though passive) observator doesn't bring much more than words, and the late months I didn't notice much more salvatrice actions from your side & beside, expect shitload of spam on all the boards around to sell your CDs (most older items and not from new and perhaps 'have somthing good to bring' bands)..... what for a glorious fight.
Prozak smacks of conservatives lambasting Democrats for "feminizing" politics. What a whiny, ridiculous concept. That is, of course, what happens when one invests so blindly in his or her genre of choice.