Biomech DINK!!!!

Biomech Guitarist
Nov 17, 2004
Well, I've had to wait since last November to get it, but I've finally got my PRS 7 String. And as promised here are some pics.







Biomech DINK!!!! said:
Well, I've had to wait since last November to get it, but I've finally got my PRS 7 String. And as promised here are some pics.


Yeah you finally got it:hotjump:
dude...that guitar is SICK, seriously. I've wanted PRS 7-string myself. I've found some Les Paul's that were really sweet, but they're hard to find as well...Nice catch. :kickass: :kickass:
I look forward to hearing the long awaited, not-so-secret weapon in action!
In the words of Spinal Tap! "How much more black could it be?"

& the answer is.................................
Biomechanoid#001 said:

It looks great and it sounds great, we were screwing around the other day and added it on a new track. It sounds amazing.

Hey, we should make a competition. Get me a few ideas and I will scratch the best sentence or word you guys will give me at the back of the guitar with a key or something sharp.

Chris will loooOOooove this :heh:

U should get some famous quote, like
"Do, or do not. There is no try." Yoda
"Don't think you can, know you can." Morpheus

That kinda thing. Film quotes. Or maybe stick with the spinal tap idea.
WinterSolstice said:
"Richard Simmons was here." :lol:

22 frets? I guess we wanted to stick with classic feel, huh?

Ok you may think I'm a complete anal retard, but the reason I have 22 fret guitars is that I'm a bit of a tone freak, and I love using the neck pickup. And by having 22 frets, the neck pickup sits where the 24th fret would be, so it sits under the 24th fret harmonic which gives you that lovely blues/P90 sound to it.

Let the abuse begin :(
Biomechanoid#001 said:
Hey, we should make a competition. Get me a few ideas and I will scratch the best sentence or word you guys will give me at the back of the guitar with a key or something sharp.

"Pelvic area goes here"
Biomech DINK!!!! said:
Ok you may think I'm a complete anal retard, but the reason I have 22 fret guitars is that I'm a bit of a tone freak, and I love using the neck pickup. And by having 22 frets, the neck pickup sits where the 24th fret would be, so it sits under the 24th fret harmonic which gives you that lovely blues/P90 sound to it.

Let the abuse begin :(
24 frets have much better action and feel all round and for a while I just felt they were essential for shreading (and anyone shreding with 22 would one day become enlightened). But since then I've come to agree entirely that you lose a key element in the guitars tone and I'm back with a 22 fret.

That said, Biomech aren't exactly known for their choling throaty blues solos. :p

I'm surprised and gladdened all round though that you guys care about such matters.