Thinking about switching from 7strings to 6 strings...


des scoubidoubidous wha !
Jan 15, 2007
I've played guitar for about 10 years.

The last 4 years I've played 7 string only. I got a 7620 (sold it), 2 RG1527 and a Jackson COW (sold it). I've never felt really happy with the tone and comfortable when switching guitars.

Last weeek my guitar mate in Forced Evolution got a PRS CE 24.
I was and still am blown away by this guitar. It's so easy to play it and it feels much better, more natural. its a real pleasure to play it.

We're thinking to switch from the sterile 7's Ibanez to some PRS in B standard (a la soilwork). The 6 strings market is really bigger and there are so many awesome guitar.

If the demos with the PRS in B sound good, I'll have to get one. We really don't want to go the 7 string with actives way anymore but got a more passive "living" tone, it should suit better our music.

I just wanted to share this impression. Maybe some people can react concerning that matter. Any similar experiences ?
how bout if u try a Schecter c7 ? They have a really fat tone to it, really nice imo.. remember ur ibbys are made of basswood, (I know the jackson is mahogany too, but i think the schecters have a fatter/better sound to me..)
I was also disappointed by the tone of most 7-strings, but there was no way I was going to switch back to 6-strings. So I got a custom, which solved everything. I knew exactly what I wanted so it was kind of easy, and I'm very happy with the results.
I did this and am really never looking back.

I played 7 strings exclusively for 2 years, and have tried on 3 separate occasions to get back into them. Every time, I've gone back to 6 strings for two reasons:

On a 7, (doesn't happen on a 6 in B for some reason) I tend to just chug on the low B and do cool rhythm stuff, rather than actually making music.

Bigger reason, however, is that the tone ALWAYS sucked compared to a 6 string. Even tuning the 6 down to B sounds better than a 7, IMO. I've never heard a 7 strung record that has a tone that I really, really love. Everyone is going to cite DHIADW or TGE... I don't like either of those compared to tones like on Resurrection, Last Kind Words, or the new Sylosis album. They just aren't very tight and have a woofy low midrange to my ears.

Untight + woofy low mids has always been my problem with my 7's for some reason. Changed pickups 100's of times... 707's, 81-7's, Evolutions, D-Sonics, Blazes, Blackouts, Duncan passives... nothing worked for me. I would love to pin it down to one factor, eliminate it, and play 7's again (because I do love the added range/shapes), but that one factor has always been the 7th string in itself.

I would sell all of your 7's but one, and buy some nice 6's. As you've found... PRS kick a fair fucking amount of ass!! Have you listened to the demos Machinated posts of his band? Christ, the organic quality of those is largely due to the PRS and it's stock pickups!
I play both, depending on the situtation.

For me, I usually go with the seven string when I want to have a big range of dynamics, and it is usually the guitar I go for when playing lead.

I have two 7-stringers, one with active EMG's and one with passive Duncans, so I can choose the tone I am going for.

It actually took me some time to find the seven stringers that felt comfortable and sounded good. I didn't really like the Ibanez RG1527 or the Schecter Hellraiser C7, I owned both for quite some time. They both felt very.. plasticy, you know? Nowdays, I have my ESP F-std S7 for more metal'ish stuff, and my Carvin DC727 for all the other stuff.(jazz, prog...)

But, I don't always need the low B with a lot of stuff I play, so I use one of my six stringers instead. It depends on my mood and the style of music.

So yeah, I just consider myself to be a guitar player, not a seven string player or a six string player.
The PRS are great guitars, no doubt. But perhaps your exposure to 7 strings has been a bit limited if you've mainly been playing the Ibanez models? The necks on the 7 string Schecters aren't too bad in my opinion. It's on the 6 string models that they feel a bit bulky and strange. Try out a Hellraiser or Blackjack, see if they float your boat. The Blackjack should be similar in tonality to the PRS, but a few grand cheaper. If it doesn't float your boat, well, you can always get your wallet ready.
Man I'll endorse Schecter til my nose bleeds. A friend has a C1 Blackjack, beautiful guitar. I've played the C7 and they're pretty nice too, though I'm not really used to 7's. Definately give the C7 Blackjack a shot.
I would sell all of your 7's but one, and buy some nice 6's. As you've found... PRS kick a fair fucking amount of ass!! Have you listened to the demos Machinated posts of his band? Christ, the organic quality of those is largely due to the PRS and it's stock pickups!

Yeah I did it sounded pretty good. I like this kind of sound.

I have a bunch of guitars. Some are six string, some are seven.

No reason to limit yourself to one or the other honestly.

In fact there are 2 reasons :

- money : I can't keep all guitars I don't have enough cash to spend on that now

- if I produce an album I want to track all the guitars with the same guitar. not 4 songs with a 7 and 6 songs with a 6 string. so I have to make a choice.

The PRS are great guitars, no doubt. But perhaps your exposure to 7 strings has been a bit limited if you've mainly been playing the Ibanez models? The necks on the 7 string Schecters aren't too bad in my opinion. It's on the 6 string models that they feel a bit bulky and strange. Try out a Hellraiser or Blackjack, see if they float your boat. The Blackjack should be similar in tonality to the PRS, but a few grand cheaper. If it doesn't float your boat, well, you can always get your wallet ready.

you're right. but I am not really excited by the idea of buying a guitar with JB/59 (don't want active neither, I hated the 707). and I don't want to change the pick ups. I just want to play and enjoy asap ahah.
In fact there are 2 reasons :

- money : I can't keep all guitars I don't have enough cash to spend on that now

- if I produce an album I want to track all the guitars with the same guitar. not 4 songs with a 7 and 6 songs with a 6 string. so I have to make a choice.

So ignore one of the strings on the 7 for now until you can afford an additional 6?

Unless your 7 string is a baritone, which would be an entirely different story.

PS: My primary guitar and seven is a baritone. I LOVE IT TO DEATH, WANT A 6 STRING VERSION TOO.
I haven't touched my Giger RG in months. I have to pull it out and give it some love for a covers gig for my sister in law's birthday next month. It really needs to be set up professionally, I was a bit excited when I swapped all the hardware and put in the edge pro and I don't think I did it properly. :lol: