Thinking of switching from Logic to Cubase, thoughts??


Nov 8, 2005
NJ, U.S.A.
I've come to the conclusion that I really despise Logic. It has some great features and some stellar sounding convolution reverbs, but that is the extent of my love for it. I can't stand the interface and want to possibly switch to Cubase.

I was considering the Pro Tools route, but do not want to spend the extra $$ right now just for the 003, and then have to expand later on even more. If anything I will buy a cheap Mbox system to familiarize myself with the workings of it down the road.

Cubase seems perfect for me right now. The drum editor looks great for DFH, and it just seems like I can mesh with the program better as a whole.

Any thoughts or advice?


Thanks for the replies guys.

Yes, I will lose some nice plugins, but I had planned on investing in some nice third party plugins anyway.

I switched from Cubase to Logic, and definitely prefer Logic - I'm way faster in it for what I need, and I like the screen economy (i.e. the convenience of not having to open open a new window whenever I want to change something). I love stuff like the group tracks, the tab to transient is pretty useful, great plugins and the MIDI is sweet too.

I actually find both programs to be very similar and didn't have a lot of trouble swapping......

What are your reasons for wanting to change? What isn't Logic offering you? I think a lot of your problems can be solved by learning the software more, rather than having to learn a whole new program. Also guys; I think it would be way more useful to state your reasons on why you prefer what you do - it gives a way more informed opinion.
I switched from Cubase to Logic, and definitely prefer Logic - I'm way faster in it for what I need, and I like the screen economy (i.e. the convenience of not having to open open a new window whenever I want to change something). I love stuff like the group tracks, the tab to transient is pretty useful, great plugins and the MIDI is sweet too.

I actually find both programs to be very similar and didn't have a lot of trouble swapping......

What are your reasons for wanting to change? What isn't Logic offering you? I think a lot of your problems can be solved by learning the software more, rather than having to learn a whole new program. Also guys; I think it would be way more useful to state your reasons on why you prefer what you do - it gives a way more informed opinion.

Well, I think my current dislike for it comes from the routing for DFH. I FINALLY got DFH to route properly in Logic, but then choosing audio tracks for guitar was impossible for me.

Arming my audio track(s) would disarm my DFH instrument track, etc. I tried for more than an hour to switch every possible track, input, and aux setting to no avail. I just couldn't get it to work! The only way that I got both to work was to press record (with audio track armed), then during the count in arm the instrument track. Not to mention how inconvenient it is to set up a DFH template.

Maybe I'm just retarded, but I always get frustrated with this stuff. It's been going on for a while.

Machinated, maybe you can give some insight to this specific problem? You seem to have a good handle on Logic.



That stuff you are doing there sounds pretty nuts - something is definitely wrong if thats happening. Which DFH are you using? Maybe I can make you a template?

I really haven't been using Logic very long, but it seems quite straightforward to me - have you watched the tutorial vids Toontrack have done for Logic? They are pretty useful IMO
Also guys; I think it would be way more useful to state your reasons on why you prefer what you do - it gives a way more informed opinion.

Well I've never used Logic, but I know I like Cubase, so my comment was more support for the latter rather than denouncing the former.
I tried Logic out for a couple of months last year before I eventually switched to Cubase. Cubase has a much better user interface, better MIDI, better in every way. Logic has some great included plugins - I wish they would release them for other platforms. :)
Well guys, after much back and forth correspondence with Machinated, it looks like I am just going to upgrade to Logic 8. It turns out a lot of my problems have been addressed in the new version. That and I'm partially retarded with a couple of things. :)

Thanks to those who responded and gave advice!

This year I swithed from cubase 4 to logic 8. Best choice I ever did. Cubase sucks on macs!!!logic is much faster and stabil. I made my own dfh superior map with the hyper editor and right now I dont miss anything about cubase.
Logic is much better in routing performance. The reverb plugin is incredible and the hugh sample library and the great virtual instruments out standing for a sequenzer

Do yourself a favor and buy a good book about handling logic istead of buying cubase for a mac!!!!!
Well guys, after much back and forth correspondence with Machinated, it looks like I am just going to upgrade to Logic 8. It turns out a lot of my problems have been addressed in the new version. That and I'm partially retarded with a couple of things. :)

Thanks to those who responded and gave advice!


you were using logic 7??
dear dear dear me
that is a painful DAW
you were using logic 7??
dear dear dear me
that is a painful DAW


I bought it on a recommendation of a friend, and yeeesh, it's a bit too much at times. I do really love the quality of the reverbs, synths, and plugins in general. I'm hoping 8 will be much better.

Even when editing drum sounds in the hyper editor now is better than what I was doing before. It's very convenient for penciling in and changing velocities.

I think I will be happy with 8.

To the poster above, are you using DFH at all? I'm thinking of upgrading to 2.0.


Logic is like THE BEST when it comes to MIDI, its seriously powerful. Cubase may stack up well against it for MIDI, but I don't know if I'd go as far as saying is better.

and Joe - I have used Superior 1 and 2 and EZPlayer all in Logic 8 and they all integrate really well; I think both sides really stepped it up to make it work better.
Logic is like THE BEST when it comes to MIDI, its seriously powerful. Cubase may stack up well against it for MIDI, but I don't know if I'd go as far as saying is better.

and Joe - I have used Superior 1 and 2 and EZPlayer all in Logic 8 and they all integrate really well; I think both sides really stepped it up to make it work better.

Cool! Looking forward to it. I may shoot you a message when I get it; maybe you can give me some pointers on how you integrate DFH into the hyper editor.


I asked it before and got great answers!!!just search and you will find it;)
I´m using superior 1. I just build my own map. this in the hyper editor and saved the project. This was work about a half hour but now I´m much faster in programing like in cubase.
Also logic 8 have the "space designer". This is the best reverb I ever had. This is a real impulse verb and not just this crappy room shit...
And the delay designer is also awsome!!!!!!!

I have one question because I miss something in logic cubase can do. Making fad-in and -out direct at the audioclip. Do you guys know what I mean?
It´s a pain in the ass to do this with automations in rythm parts. I know that soundtrack pro can do it, so there must be a way to do it in logic 8
