(Pseudo) Mastering for the first time!


Feb 1, 2009
Hello, i was asked to master a Full-Length CD, and even though i have pseudo-mastered several times stuff from my band, it is the first time i decided to do some more drastic changes during the mastering process. I do not consider myself a Mastering Engineer, and i do it for free, but hopefully i can do something good.

Here is the unmastered stuff:


Tried to bring up the guitars a bit, tighten the low end and excite the treble a bit. Unfortunately, as you may notice, the unmastered is already HOT, so there was little headroom for me to work on.

And here is the mastered stuff:


Haven't tried to have a listen to other speakers, so what do you think? Would you approach something in a different way? (i hope the 15 sec samples is enough for most of you)
The mastering you did worked for me. The mix (which didn't need any 'crazy fixing anyways') got clearer and punchier with a nice amount of loudness added. I like it, also seems to be a nice song you have there. Nice job.