psst hey Morgan(n)a

Well at least you got Chuck Woolery! And I guess instead of Jared you got Rosemary Crispans john Hancock. Damn, I'll bet Subway really keeps Jared tied in the basement and they starved him thin for their add campaign. lol, He cannot sign your autograph right now, he is a little, tied up at the moment. Love Rosemary Crispan.
here's a guy from Maine that writes children's songs. this came today.


Just dropping by to say thank you Will, for spelling "received" properly. Unfortunately, not many people can do it. Kudos.
Richard Dawson and Doris Day! Congrats Will! And you got him to answer you questions! Good going! Well, you may not have gotten John Travolta's actual signature, but it never hurts to try does it? :tickled:

Today, I sent requests for:

Gene Wilder (2nd attempt. new address)
Patrick Swayze
Paul Newman
Paul Reubens
Jack Kevorkian
Michael Buffer
Bruce Buffer
Shecky Greene

Postal chick didn't realize what I was doing until she hit Swayze.