psst... I just bought Godspeed... shh...


Señor Member
Mar 25, 2003
Cleveland, OH USA
well, okay, it was a cut-out, in the used section at my local metal store... which means it was probably a promo copy. so there.





Sorry in advance for the bad language, but this needs to be said:

Fuck shitty Metal Blade and their shitty marketing department. They put, on their website, the most boring part of the most boring (compared to the rest of the album) song on this disc. Fuck those morons for even causing me to doubt whether or not this was going to be a good cd. I hate hate hate HAAAAAATE Metal Blade!!!!!!! (That's right. With a passion.)

Now that that's out of the way... this disc is not what I'd call a "prog" disc, any more than the rest of their catalogue, but it's probably their most diverse and adventurous work so far, and the song "Nowhere" is, by FAR, the least heavy, and least interesting, song on the album.

I can totally see this being in my top ten of the year... needless to say, it shits all over that crappy snoozer, Brainstorm - Liquid Monster. Godspeed out-heavy's, out-catchy's, and out-diverses (if those are actual words) Liquid Monster by a long shot.
Boob I totally agree with except for the fact that Liquid Monster does slay. Haunting is easily the best track I think though. What do you think about the ballad at the end, I think it is totally awesome.