Symphorce - "Nowhere" and Stratovarius - "Maniac Dance"


Señor Member
Mar 25, 2003
Cleveland, OH USA
Some of you may remember me being somewhat disappointed in the song "Nowhere" on Symphorce's new disc, Godspeed. I've completely changed my opinion of the song. It really slayed when they played it live, and it finally hit me on the drive home from the airport (I had Godspeed playing) that this song is an awesome, catchy rocker. However, I still maintain that this was a poor choice for Metal Blade to use on their website, as it's not indicative of the type of material on the album.

Anyone who has anything bad to say about the new Stratovarius song, "Maniac Dance", is wrong. ;) This one is also a great, catchy-as-hell rocker, and I've had it stuck in my head ever since ProgPower. Now I'm bummed that I didn't pick up the new Strato at the show... but that'll just give me an excuse to go cd shopping, so soon after ProgPower. ;)
The entire set by both bands totally rocked. Especially when I yelled for "Haunting" to get played and they played I was really fucking pumped up.
booB said:
Some of you may remember me being somewhat disappointed in the song "Nowhere" on Symphorce's new disc, Godspeed. I've completely changed my opinion of the song. It really slayed when they played it live,

Nice to see you come around there boob! I know you don't like it as the 1st avail track but it does have a sweet hook. What song would you put out first? Lately I'm still on "Blackwater" :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

On the Strat..I have no comment. Not familiar enough.