PT crashes several time a day now... Help needed!


More cowbell!
Aug 24, 2011
Hi guys,

For some reason PT10 crashes several times a day now. It used to work fine tho. When I work on a MIDI part, the edit window sometimes reacts in a weird way, like flashes or is totally black (depends on the zoom actually). Otherwise it crashes even if I don't work on MIDI stuff so it does come from another thing. I feel it is not stable at all anymore and I have a lot of work :mad: I really need help.

Thank you!

Specs: iMac 27" 3.5gHz Intel Core i7 32Go RAM / OSX 10.8.5 / SSD external device. PT 10.3.7

Crash reports:

EDIT: I installed some new plugins, maybe it comes from one of them??? I cannot read the crash reports myself.
Wish I could help. Never used PT. Had an ex-bassist that used it and he always had crashes. Plus, the $ it costs.....idk. I stick with Reaper and it does me just fine.
I have to do a clean install of Pro Tools on my studio PC every six months or so. Otherwise Pro Tools gets really finicky. That's the only solution to these quirks I've ever found.

I think I have to do too but it's really frightening as every time I installed PT, there were problems such as banks of PT synths not found, plugins that don't work, etc. Each time, it takes several days to solve all these issues only :/
I sent a crash report to Slate Support as I think VMR is guilty. Not sure tho. Waiting their answer...
Another question... If I uninstall PT, I will automatically have to reinstall all my plugins then authorize them, etc... ?
Yes and permission repair too. I still have to verify but it seems to crash when I have MIDI tracks. But after launching PT one or two times, it works fine for a while.
I sent a crash report to Slate Support as I think VMR is guilty. Not sure tho. Waiting their answer...

It probably is. I've had a lot of crashes on two different previously stable systems after I have started using VMR. Hopefully they can get it fixed soon.
@ B36arin: I hope it is! It would avoid me to reinstall all my PT shit.
@ Greyskull: Probably but I use what I used for longtime without an issue so I think it does not come from one of these + I printed them and deactivated the MIDI tracks.
I'm just throwing this out there as I was getting a lot of issues with PT crashes. I always turn off WiFi when using PT now. My crashes have seriously stopped/dropped significantly. Worth a try if it's enabled.
I never used to bother, so it was worth checking. I'd go down the full reinstall route and see what happens. Before that, if you think VMR is the issue, move it to the unused plug-ins folder and see if your issue persists.
Slate vmr and vtm will give me hiccups now and again. Pro Tools has always been SUPER stable for me. If it's crashing that much, I'd go for the clean install. Have you checked the DUC forums?
I opened a thread on the Avid forum (that's what you call DUC forum, right?). I get 'DAE errors', "PT has not enough memory" sometimes when I add a plugin or want to change the slot, and the MIDI editing is a nightmare as it crashes almost everytime. I think a clean install would fix this but I'm REALLY afraid of doing this as I will have reinstall all my plugins and so on and it has always been a big source of problems (authorizations that don't work, sound libraries not found, etc.). It's time consuming and very stressful so I secretly hope that's only a plugin issue. If someone is familiar with PT clean install and has a good method to do this, I'd be very happy to know it! Dave?
Do you really have to re-install all of your plugins? Can't you just make a copy of your plugins folder and keep that safe? Check the Avid forums and see if you can uninstall/ reinstall while just keeping a copy of your plugins folders.
PT10 is just a POS, move to 11! Imo, any issues incurred with losing plugins due to AAX64 is completely over-ridden by the fact the DAW actually works.
I use protools 10 with very little issue. I have lots of processing power and havent felt the need to move and be bothered with the hassle of switching.

Likewise. I'm just waiting on VCC before I move. PT10 has been fine for me
Do you really have to re-install all of your plugins? Can't you just make a copy of your plugins folder and keep that safe? Check the Avid forums and see if you can uninstall/ reinstall while just keeping a copy of your plugins folders.

I don't know if what you say is possible tbh and Avid support sucks. Can someone confirm this works well?