Is anyone else using Mac OSX with a fusion drive for PT10?


More cowbell!
Aug 24, 2011
I run PT 10.3.7 with OS 10.8.5 on a new iMac loaded with a 1To fusion drive and I have a lot of troubles. Mainly in recording mode though: I cannot set the buffer size below than 256 without having PT bugs (6086 or 9128). I double checked everything I could (soundcard, cable, drivers, etc.) but issues are always happening.

My last option before the clean install is to check the HD of the mac. I will clone my system and see if I have better results.

By then I'd like to know if the fusion drive causes any issue to those who use it.

Anyway reinstalling and reauthorizing all my fkn plugins will be a pain the ass for sure! :waah:

Thank you.

OS 10.8.5 / iMac I7 3.5gHz / 32Go RAM / Digi003 Rack+ / PT10.3.7
If someone has a similar config and get similar issues, here are some news for you before you go crazy...

I cloned my system on a Seagate Backup drive then booted on the clone. Launched PT, created 12 audio tracks with a bunch of plugins on each and set the buffer on 64, then hit record. Result: no problem! It works just fine! (God I'd never thought I could say that ahahah!) There's definitely an hardware issue with the Fusion Drive for audio recording.

So this is a pretty good news cause I can work properly without a clean install but the question is 'can I change the drive - and only the drive - of the iMac?' I bought it in oct 2013 and I heard that there's no possibility to change anything on these machines. Will ask Apple tomorrow.
My second question is for you :) Can I properly work with an USB key or an external device as a main and only boot drive? The Fusion Drive would be just a backup drive then.