PT HD users : I need your help (drumagog content)


Mar 12, 2008
Geneva a.k.a "cloudy city"

I've got access to a HD2 rig for the next few days and i try to use the advanced algorithm in drumagog and here's my problem :

- as you might know there's some latency (around 73.3 MS) with this algorithm and i was trying to use time adjuster to compensate but the fuck'in thing isn't working and the drum are completely out of time

When i'm in this situation with my LE rig i just bounc each track seperatly a nudge them to match the original

But this is very very time consuming :erk:

So i was wandering if there's a way to use this algorithm on the fly without having to do the whole bounce and import things.

there's also i fixed latency version of drumagog but i can't make it work either

I really need some imput on this one before i return working on my Dodgy LE rig

use the fixed latency version, print all your tracks, then hit Option+H and do a time offset for that exact fixed latency value.
Yes... What James said, or you cH create a duplicate playlist, nudge the region with drumagog on it, and you can monitor along with the drums

thanks guys for the reply... i'm going to the studio tonight... will try the two methods

But James... what is the benefit of your method over the whole bounce and import it the fact that you avoid the whole trial and error when matching the printed track with the original ?
Btw what do you mean by "printing" the track ? i was thinking of sending each track (the two kicks / two snares .....) to an other audio track and records everything (which mean i need to use a slow buffer settings to avoid latency right ?) 'cause drumagog is not working as a audiosuite plug-in ....


When you print a track in PT with Drumagog, do you essentially have to bounce the tracks one by one with the standard Cmd + Alt + B? Sorry for the silly question, but I've only used PT to mix once... about 3 years ago. Just wondering what the easiest way to bounce is.
Hooray, we finally have someone from Switzerland on here! (that's about all I have to contribute to this thread :D)
When you print a track in PT with Drumagog, do you essentially have to bounce the tracks one by one with the standard Cmd + Alt + B? Sorry for the silly question, but I've only used PT to mix once... about 3 years ago. Just wondering what the easiest way to bounce is.

This is exactly my second question....what do you call "printing" in this case... is it the normal bounce procedure or is it something else ?
no, bouncing is bouncng.... printing is just to open a new track, set it's input to a bus, then set the track with drumagog's output to the same bus.. you can do this to all tracks you have an instance of drumagog on at once.. then use the time adjust (option+H) to adjust all of the tracks at once for the amount of the fixed latency.
You're the first as far as I know! I even started a thread about it some time ago :D (and I'm not even Swiss by heritage or anything, I was just curious!)
no, bouncing is bouncng.... printing is just to open a new track, set it's input to a bus, then set the track with drumagog's output to the same bus.. you can do this to all tracks you have an instance of drumagog on at once.. then use the time adjust (option+H) to adjust all of the tracks at once for the amount of the fixed latency.

Hey that's what i call a quick answer ....

Ok i got it... nice to have your input on this one

One last thing (a bit of topic sorry) how do you deal with the panning of the room sample ? do you pan 100% left / 100% right or do you pan in a different way ?