PT: Moving sections without affecting automation etc

I don't get it, you won't do a full album in one session but you'd do 3/4 songs in one session??
If you're doing 3/4 in a session why not doing the entire album?
Personally I don't like to have the entire album on one session, just a matter of preference.

Because it gets to be a real pain when sections need to be moved around, tempo's changed, etc.
If you are on Pro Tools 10 one thing that makes it way easier to use audio suite more is clip gain. because if you commit to a reverb or something for a specific thing you can still adjust the volume accordingly.

I have always found that for some reason if I do multiple sessions, some of the songs stand out, even if I use import sessions data. What is your guys work flow for this? How far into mixing do you get before you import the data?
I have always found that for some reason if I do multiple sessions, some of the songs stand out, even if I use import sessions data. What is your guys work flow for this? How far into mixing do you get before you import the data?

I always start a new mix by importing session data from a previous song on the same project. Usually you can at least count on your drums and bass to be ballpark of what they need to be. Guitars/synths/vocals/etc usually change too much between songs to rely on importing sounds from another.
As for keeping all the songs in the same session, It is a little more taxing on your computer (processing wise) but if it can handle it, then its fine. I know a lot of guys who do this.

With moving automation, make sure that the "automation follows edit" is checked under the options menu and you should be fine. Just make sure that EVERYTHING moves at once.