Transferring mix settings to other songs

Apr 5, 2008
I'm sure this has been discussed thoroughly at some point, but what is the recommended workflow in Pro Tools as far as mixing a whole album and making it sound uniform? I've been completely finishing one song to start out, and then saving the session file under a different name. Then I remove all of the regions/automation/etc that are specific to the previous song, save it again, import the session data from that file into the next unmixed session, and drag all the regions from the original tracks onto the new ones. It works, but I'm sure there's a much easier way to go about it :cry:
I thought you could only load a template when you're first starting the session? I'm talking about after you've tracked all the songs, and want to apply mix settings from one song to all the other ones
im not sure but i always make the template from the first song we track. because i usually have an idea of what plugins and that will be used before hand
I thought you could only load a template when you're first starting the session? I'm talking about after you've tracked all the songs, and want to apply mix settings from one song to all the other ones

well, still not a problem. create a new session from template and drag all you audiofiles (should be consolitated in the project you tracked in) into that new session.
then do your song-specific automation and tweaks and mix down.
Yes...You have to consolid all the tracks in all the project.
When you have mixed the first song, save the template and create a new session from that template.In this new session import the consolidate files.
What Ive been doing (if just demo of 4 songs or less) is just tracking all the songs in one session. Maybe some others could chime in, but I'm not sure if tracking a full length like this would be a good idea. Ive never done it but i may try in the future as its way easier to a/b the songs when there all in the same session.

In the past when i track each song in its own session, I would just crate a template from mix session of the first song. Then import it into my next session/song and just drag the audio files to the correct track with all the plugins on it ready to go. Pretty simple.....
Ok, yeah that's what I've been doing, just was hoping there was an easier way :/ I should try tracking everything in one session though for smaller projects though, that would make everything a lot easier