public transportation venting


Nov 8, 2001
New York City
Dear T,

I appreciate you. You allow me to avoid owning a car. You are nearby my house and inexpensive and you go more or less where I need you to go.

But you should not send a train express when the next one is 25 minutes behind. Worse, you should not send three trains express. And you should not add insult to injury by stopping for a red light and refusing to open the door for those of us standing there in the cold, as two minutes slowly tick by and we pound on the glass, before taking off again.

In conclusion, get fucked.

i have no idea what would happen to my life if the subway stopped at midnight. i'd probably just spend most of the time wandering around confused and hungry.
i used to drive everywhere (the curse of berkshire county). now i never drive.

but last night i drove a van and it was pretty hard to drive, i have to admit.
public trans is cool but that's where I met the old black dude who kept talking about how heavy his balls were.

that was less cool.

plus, on the private trans front, went to get the brake lights fixed on the grand marquis. final total:

parts = 12.00
labor = 75.00

sometimes I wonder why I struggled through school, clawing and scratching, then on to college, aaaaargh.