Pulled mabool off of the shelf for the first time in awhile

Papa Josh

Minister of Propaganda
And yes, it sounds as fresh as the first time I played it. Such rich instrumentation, excellent production. Wish I could witness you guys live.

I was first exposed to the band many, many years ago... I worked at a convenience store and my boss allowed me to play whatever I wanted... so, as you can imagine, walking into my 7-11 at 4 in the morning... you'd hear some crazy shit. I remember playing Deicide's Legion in the store one aftrenoon at 5 in the afternoon... Imagine the looks on people's faces!! :tickled:

Anyhow, this guy came in one night and we started talking. He was talking about tons of nads I had never heard of before. The next night, he brought a huge stack of vinyl and a couple of cds... in this was Sahara... and told me to go check out all of this stuff and he'd get it back from me soon.

This was in 95.

During that week, I was exposed for the first time to Cradle of Filth, Emperor, Rotting Christ, Varathron, Fertilizer, and loads of others that I just can't think of right now. I remember listening to Orphaned Land and wondering how many others had heard of this band, because at the time, I wasn't reading anything about you guys. Just goes to show that with time, the rest will come around.

Keep up the good work and I look forward to hearing what you guys unleash on us next.
station82o said:
You better! heheh Cause I live in houston too and can't make it to Progpower! =(

I'm going! Come with me and I'll drive instead of fly. :Spin:

But seriously, I'm dropping a small fortune and skipping school and work to come to Atlanta just for OL. After, what, 4 or 5 years as a fan I'm not missing you when you're only 800 miles away. Two months to go!
I was seriously considering it - especially considering my other favorite band will be there too, Therion. But while taking off from work isn't a problem, skipping school would be, I can't make a commitment like that and risk missing something important... =\ If this were a couple years ago when I was in my dropped out phase, I'd come with you in a heartbeat.