Punish My Heaven gone bluegrass.

Child porn
Ew. Thank you and the original poster for ruining this beautiful thread. :puke:
Ew. Thank you and the original poster for ruining this beautiful thread. :puke:

You're welcome. It had to be said. I can't take such philandering on a metal board. I'm sure there are some singles websites you lonely hearts can frequent. Either that, or Rahvin could become official DT match makers and we could run a dating service a la the Secret Santa we did two Christmases back.

Disclaimer though, you get someone of the same gender, you're stuck, so make the best of it!
I can't take such philandering on a metal board.
:lol: I'm sorry, i must have been sleeping when the metal community turned celibate.
I'd recommend you for the "board police" position, but i'm afraid it's already taken. Meanwhile you can grab a cookie and a cup of "lighten up", because noone writing this post is lonely. Or has a heart, for that matter.
:lol: I'm sorry, i must have been sleeping when the metal community turned celibate.
I'd recommend you for the "board police" position, but i'm afraid it's already taken. Meanwhile you can grab a cookie and a cup of "lighten up", because noone writing this post is lonely. Or has a heart, for that matter.

Celibacy is usually not a position of choice. I don't want the board police position, whoever fills said position is doing an admirable job, I'm sure. That being said, I stopped caring and reading what you had to say because you wrote cookie so now I'm getting one. Thanks for the good idea.

Rather than make a snide remark, I'll clarify. Celibacy, for most non-zealots, is not a position of choice (i.e. they want to but can't get laid for whatever myriad of reasons).

Oh and to further divulge, most of the metal community, in a stereotypical sense, has a hard time getting laid given they are in their mid-teens, suffering though adolescence at the mall, and would give just about anything for a handjob. You might forget that those here are far, far from stereotypical metalheads and even further from the stereotype. But, I digress, blah blah blah semantics, blah blah blah I misconstrued the point blah blah blah blah blah.
DT UM Forum: turning funny music-related threads into serious discussions about the sexual frustrations of metalheads since 2001.

And I wouldn't have it any other way. :cool:

Hilarious and awesome at the same time.

I've been listening to some folk stuff lately so this is really cool to me.
DT UM Forum: turning funny music-related threads into serious discussions about the sexual frustrations of metalheads since 2001.

And I wouldn't have it any other way. :cool:


High-five to that, man.

I really want to kiss a dog right now.

re the bluegrass song: What's gonna be next? Storm of the Light's Bane?
DT UM Forum: turning funny music-related threads into serious discussions about the sexual frustrations of metalheads since 2001.

And I wouldn't have it any other way. :cool:


:rolleyes: I guess it can't be avoided, can it?

re the bluegrass song: What's gonna be next? Storm of the Light's Bane?

I think Moonshield actually.
Aww, don't be a party-pooper, what better posts could we have while waiting for the song? I think the alternative was silence.

Ah well when I used to post here before there was a tight control over spam, so I'm just wondering what happened :p . Or have I become too serious? :rolleyes:

I also wonder if the guys from the band (Slaughter, not DT :p) have heard the demo versions of PMH. They said they were going to do it even faster than the original song, so I guess they should give the demo a listen and see if they can do the song faster than there.
Ah well when I used to post here before there was a tight control over spam, so I'm just wondering what happened :p . Or have I become too serious? :rolleyes:
I think you have become too serious, your posts don't contain 200 smilies anymore. :p :p
And those that are in his post are all in that unhealthy blueish color.