Pure 5150 Soundclips needed

Hails guys
i´m new on these foruns and want to ask for a Pure(no processing, effects etc added) 5150 head soundclip
with a flat eq(5,5,5, OR 666, ahahah) and with a good ammount of distortion
i take part in several guitar foruns like seymour duncan, bare knuckle, etc and i really looking forward to the 5150(not the 5150II)head, although it´s pretty
pricey for me to buy(i´m from brazil. it costs like 5000 brazilian money)..
and i want to have some professional opinion from users and from Andy sneap about it.

could you help me please?!
if you want any info about my playing...
you can check it here
www.myspace.com/befamal (my ex band)
and a page where i recorded some soundclips to show off the various pickups i had and still own.

i play mostly Death/Black/Thrahs metal. and i use 4 guitars, 4 different tunings. E, D, B, C.
fucking hails and Thanks
i thought a flat eq will show up the real amp sound, without "masks"

why does ".....a flat eq will show up the real amp sound, without "masks" " ?
Tell me why?
A recorded amp sound is: you->guitar->amp->cab->mic->micpre->pc interface for example.
If I use the flat eq setting (everything on 6), I tell you that for sure, the amp would sound different than what you would expect pluggin your guitar in with the same flat eq.

This is not flat (low: 6, mid:1, hi: 6) tell me if you like it, it's a 5150 mk1 signature head.


p.s. Man I was just joking, take it easy
Thank´s Guys
ok maurizio
HUUMMM even with the middlesscooped, it has considerable Mid response

No problem man!
But when I said "people from south america still prefer amps with everything on 6" it's because Durbans (another guy from south america) asked for that flat eq as well, so I was just joking about that thing.
Remember a setting could work for me not for you.
I got a USA Jackson RR1 fitted with Bill Lawrence 505XL pickups that sounds so different when plugged into my 5150 compared to my other cheap guitar fitted with Duncan JeffBeck.
Anyway that clip is the RR1
