
Apr 19, 2005
Baarlo, The Netherlands

We now confirm one of our personal favourites, British newcomer PURE REASON REVOLUTION. We hope you also agree that they are one of the new upcoming stars in the progscene, we are sure they will please you all. We really look forward to their performance and together with Threshold and Wolverine it will be a perfect ending of ProgPower Europe this year.

Now this new addition to the list caused a discussion for me at home: our 7 year old daughter really loves PRR. So I told her they would be playing at Progpower. Now my daughter wants to come to PP with me. Unfortunately her mother will not let her: "it's way too loud and bad for her ears... :mad:"

I have a couple of months left to convince her :Saint:
No no no....
From a bulletin on MySpace...

From Date Subject

Pure Reason Revolution Aug 9, 2008 5:54 PM nice news & not so nice news!

nice news & not so nice news!
Body: Well seeing as the weathers so bad I thought a cheery buliten was in order.

We are pleased to announce our first headline shows in the Netherlands and Germany.
These will coincide with our european tour in October

Oct 15th - Du Pul, Uden, The Netherlands.
www. livepul. com

Oct 16th - Das Rind, Rüsselsheim, German info & tickets from: http://progressive-promotion. de/pageID_6353099. html

If you were unable to pick up a Live At NEARfest CD at The Barfly, you can now order yourself a copy from the insideout shop for €11.
99 .. www. insideout. de and .. www. insideoutshop. de

The new look PRR website is on its way and seeing as it's all new we will also have a new web address so please Ignore www. purereasonrevolution. com .. more information to come....

And now for the not so nice news.... Due to unforeseen circumstances we are unable play at Progpower in The Netherlands on Oct 5th, many apologies to anyone attending just to see us but hopefully we will see you on Oct 15th instead.

Hope everyone has a great weekend, I reccomend staying in with the complete 6 series of the sopranos, a pot of tea and some choc digestives.

Jamie x
It's true and we are not gonna spend any more words on it than the band has posted on their website. The only thing we can say is that we are very disappointed in the band's decission and the chance to book them for future editions is quite small. Too bad, but we have to deal with this.
A little band, a great band, and they will tour europe in october so:

Let Russian Circles play at PP08!!!
I was only thinking the other day who would cancel this year. There's always at least one cancellation in the weeks leading up to the festival for as long as I can remember! At least it's not Cynic, Wolverine, Zero Hour or Ghost Brigade....yet! And cancellations can often work out to be a good thing, otherwise we wouldn't have had Devin Townsend in 2004 or Orphaned Land/Oceans of Sadness last year. Just a shame about Anubis Gate replacing the mighty Novembers Doom in 2005. Oh well, I'm sure Rene and the boys will find a band even better than Pure Reason Revolution.