Pursuit on e-Bay

Damn, I remember last year when Dave found an extra five copies and was selling them first come first serve for twenty bucks, I had the first post in the thread asking for one, but I deleted it thinking I would take too long getting the money, I really regret that now.
Heh. I dug mine out the other day for the car. Too much sentimental value to ebay the cd for me. Dave sent it to Korea (where I was working at the time) and it has travelled with me since.
It's a pity such good music is so difficult to get. Sadly that's not the only album i like to get my hands on which is out of print. But hey, there's a new WoY album sometime soon. And hopefully there'll be a reprint one day
As much as I want that EP, I just can't spend more then $100 on it. There is another copy going for like $5, but I could imagine how much it will be when the bid is over. I remember a couple of months ago there was a copy that went for over $1,000.
I remember last year, both the From Which of this Oak demo casset and the promo they recorded just for record labels where on ebay at the same time. I forgot how much they both went for, but I could only imagine.
Labels really ought to re-press albums just to stop fans forking over ridiculous amounts of money just to have the real thing (and to stop certain people from profiting via a band's talent).

T-shirts, too. ;)