"Woods 2: Pursuit of the Sun..." in stock, shipping and ripping!!!

Hello Dave !

You have Paypal money !

Please send me Woods II (Pursuit) and Woods I (Against) on CDs !

... and next tour, please come to Montreal !


I just ordered Wood II via The End Records. Of the few songs I am familiar with, it is definitely my favorite Woods of Ypres album followed by their first one. Maybe, Woods III will grow on me with more listens, however.

I, also, just got the Demonstration Archive 1996-1998 from Agalloch. That was a fun listen!:rock:
I think its a worthy purchase. It includes earlier versions of songs from pale forklore ... while I think are inferior to the album versions.. its interesting to hear earlier versions of them..the other songs are pretty good too:rock:
If you're big on Pale Folklore, Demonstration Archive is totally worth it. I mean I've had everything on there for years now and haven't had any temptation to listen but pre-Mantle Agalloch never clicked for me.

So should i get this version of Persuit... too? Have one of the original 1,000 as well as something labelled as a pre-final mix promo. Do ya think a third is worth the cash?