Pussyfoot Miss Suicide Tabs


Senior Motherfucker
Aug 5, 2015
Does anybody have the tabs for (or know and be willing to teach me how to play) the bridge section to Pussyfoot Miss Suicide. I think it's a kickass riff, and I can't find the tabs, or figure it out by ear, so I was wondering if you crazy motherfuckers could help.

People are so lazy to read...

Download Guitar Pro or Tuxguitar (that's freeware) or use tabpro on ultimateguitar.com
How do I open the file after I download it? What program do I need?

Like Hewakas said, Guitar Pro or Tux Guitar. Tux Guitar is free and I've been using it for years. Guitar Pro is not free but it might have some functionalities that TG doesn't have (I don't really know, never used it).