Put me out of my Misery... Please!!!


After Forever Nutter
Sep 26, 2003
Can you all let me know what the Bloodstock on the road tour has been like since Manchester??!?!?!?!?!?!?! I've been checking for updates, but nothing! I'm dying to know how its all going... somebody tell meeeeeeee :yell:
Nottingham last night -

Have to say - where was everyone because you missed an amazing night! Infobia opened with a too short set that was so powerful. The boys played their hearts out, Derk's vocals were awesome, the new guitar parts really let us see how good Al is and the new song took my breath away. Buy the cd!
FWK next - wow! So much energy and passion! Well impressed!
Biomechanical again were excellent. Good mix of songs from eight moons and an amazing verson of The Awakening.

Overall, why aren't they pulling in the crowds? You lot out there have to go and see them - quality is not even close to describing their music!
The venue was excellent - good sound, nice atmosphere and cheap bar :cool: Have seen all three bands at least once before, and they all just seem to get better and better.....if that was possible. Going to try to get down to the Underworld gig in Camden on Thursday - Be there!
Have to agree with Lydian Lady - amazing night, real shame about the small turnout. Infobia were terrific showmen, enjoyed watching them even though their music isn't really my thing (man). What was that egg joke all about? I thought that I would understand Yorkshire humour, being from Hull 'n'all...

FourWayKill were simply jaw-dropping - what a pro outfit! We were absolutely staggered by the quality of their stage act: definitely go and see this band, I promise you it's worth whatever effort it takes. I had never heard a single one of their songs before last night and they still totally rocked my lame ass.

Biomechanial were also good, bit of a come-down after 4WK but in all fairness nothing could really have bettered that! Still, their version of "Creeping Death" with Jay on vocals was superb.

Get out there and catch this tour!
I can only really echo LL's sediments. An excellent night but alas only around 50 people in attendance.

Anyone who can get to a Bloodstock On The Road gig should make the effort. It's only a fiver and you'll get to see 3 excellent bands with different styles that will all play their hearts out for you.
Just got back from Nottingham and I agree with everything that has been said.
Why such a poor turnout? After seeing 3 out of the 4 gigs on this tour so far, I can honestly say that it just keeps getting better and better. Last night at Junktion 7 was simply awesome, yet bands of this quality are playing to half empty rooms.
If there is any justice in this world, the remaining gigs at Bristol, Camden and Liverpool should be packed to the rafters.

I'll see you all there !!! :)
I'm trying my best to get the Whiplash gig full!!! I've been working hard!!! :) It'll be also the end of tour party with it being the last date on the tour.... so lots of time to party hard!!!

The best thing about the Liverpol gig is that the venue is open until 2 and serve until closing, which means there will be lots of time to party!!!!!! :cool:

It'll be great!!! Don't miss it :) :)

See y'all there!! :p :)
Get me free accommodation and I might consider doing along.

Also I wouldn't want to leave my Vauxhall Viva in Liverpool in case some Unemployed, Tracksuit Wearing, Curly Haired, Moustachioed Gentlemen decided to nick it!
The turnouts may have been on the lower side, true.

However, as this is being done as a series of tours under a banner name, the success of each show should build numbers for subsequent tours.

I dragged around 10 bodies to Manchester personaly, who all had fun. One even asked me to pick all his future gigs for him. Off the back of that, the next tour, I can simply mention it to people like this, and they will drag more people along.

Word of mouth kicks arse!
Eagle said:
Get me free accommodation and I might consider doing along.

Also I wouldn't want to leave my Vauxhall Viva in Liverpool in case some Unemployed, Tracksuit Wearing, Curly Haired, Moustachioed Gentlemen decided to nick it!

Nah.... they wouldn't nick the whole car..... just the wheels :Smug: :tickled: Its actually not THAT bad a place.... good pubs and stuff!!

I'll have a think about the accomodation, altho....nothing springs to mind... unless you come anyway and pull?!?!?!? Just a thought!! :loco: :)
sal666 said:
Nah.... they wouldn't nick the whole car..... just the wheels :Smug: :tickled: Its actually not THAT bad a place.... good pubs and stuff!!

I'll have a think about the accomodation, altho....nothing springs to mind... unless you come anyway and pull?!?!?!? Just a thought!! :loco: :)

:lol: :lol: Do you have many blind girls in Liverpool?

Seriously - I'll do my very best to make it (at least it's a Saturday so that does help a bit). However it does mainly depend if I've got any cash left after the Camden gig!
Well if you DO make it, come and say hello, so I know who you are!!! :) I now know one or 2 of you on here, so a few more people would be cool!! :) I'll be the girl who is either panicking or walking round with a huge smile, depending on the turnout!!!!! Failing that.... I'll be the one in the corner making all the music happen :D Get your requests in early!! :tickled: :)
sal666 said:
Well if you DO make it, come and say hello, so I know who you are!!! :) I now know one or 2 of you on here, so a few more people would be cool!! :) I'll be the girl who is either panicking or walking round with a huge smile, depending on the turnout!!!!! Failing that.... I'll be the one in the corner making all the music happen :D Get your requests in early!! :tickled: :)

I'll get my requests in early then:

Gamma Ray - Damn The Machine
Galloglass - Legends from now and nevermore
Human Fortress - Knights In Shining Armour
White Skull - Sentence Of Death
Helloween - Push
Doctor Butcher - The Chair
Annihilator - Timebomb
Blind Guardian - Another Holy War
Stratovarius - Soul Of A Vagabound
Iced Earth - Last December

Get these on and it will help

Also if you've not got them then let me know in advance
I hope there is a good turnout for Bristol - Certainly the Mercury Rain lot will be there, but I just know that turnout is going to be low.

Hopefully Bristol will prove me wrong...

Seen 4WK a few times & they're worth the entrance price alone. Looking forward to Infobia and BM.
Birmingham was weird... I've never been to a gig with so few people, it was almost scary. It must be some sort of weird phenomenon (spelt wrongly of course). I've seen worse bands with higher entry prices and more than twice as many people turn up! What is the world coming to?!?

I believe I saw Vince there and I was gonna go say hi but I'm too shy.

Bloodstock came to Bristol last night...

A good night out at the Fleece & Firkin. Around 60 or so people there, and probably a fair few were with the various entourage's, (f that's how you spell it), but a good atmosphere nonetheless.

INFOBIA: I was curious to see these guys, and they didn't dissappoint. Possibly the most unorthodox frontman I've ever seen. Looked a little like the chef from Star Trek 'Voyager' but confident and with a great voice. My only comment ws that the material was all of a similar tempo/groove, but thats only if I'm being ultra picky. I will be purchasing their CD for definite when it comes out.

4WK: Despite being pretty ill from flue, Chris & Co. put on another top notch performance. With a work rate and commitment like no other, these guys deserve to go far. Cool, confident and commanding...Talking to Jay afterwards, there is another great tour coming up for them next year, and their video for '24Hrs to die' is going to be on Scuzz. Nice one.

BIOMECHANICAL: Never head them before, and they were pretty good. 4WK are always going to be a hard act to follow, but these guys went for it. Some extremely talented musicianship on display, the guitarists impressed, and some of the riffs were pretty spectacular. 'Creeping Death' was brilliant - reminding me of how good Metallica used to be when they were a thrash band.

Winners on the night for me were definitely 4WK, but the whole bill worked extremely well.
I think part of the problem with the low attendances could be down to a few things.

1. The time of year. Every year in the lead up to Christmas there always seems to be loads of gigs on the go, and if you have to travel to see bands you have to pick your favs to be able to afford it.

2. Advertising. Although we all knew about it, how many others did? Hopefully now the first on the road tour has taken place, more people should be interested.

3. Apathy. You've got to admit it, the UK metal/rock scene is as apathetic as it gets. The amount of people who only go to gigs of bands that they know is unbelievable. Also I've got, and I'm sure you have got, mates who say, "yeah I'll go", and then they don't turn up as Bellenders was on or something.

After that, my excuse for not going to Bristol was, I had Def Leppard and Hawkwind to see this weekend, and the trip to Bristol would have just blown the rest of my food budget for the week!
I have to agree with you on the apathy thing!!! I have found that in Liverpool!! I find a lot of people can't be bothered or they wanna do what their friends are doing!!!! Its a new culture!!! Lazy bastards!! They are the first to moan too!!

I, personally live for metal.... corny I know, and if I have the money i'll travel as far as it takes to see bands.... some people wouldn't go to the bottom of the road unless there was something in it for them....

Fortunately, I have (fingers crossed) found a great bunch of people who like their metal just as hard and heavy and loud as I do, which is why Whiplash is such a success!!! :) I won't deny, it has been a struggle, but its paid off!!!!!!!!! :) :)