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Splutter! True, they didn't start well, but after a few tracks, they really got into their stride, and I thought it was a thoroughly enjoyable evening. Even better than last time :) I think the turning point was "Kings of the carnival creation". For everything after that, I was a happy bunny. I could have wished for any number of tracks that they didn't play ("Reptile", "Hybrid stigmata", "Metal heart", "Burn in hell", "Blood hunger doctrine", "Eradication instincts defined" and so on). But what they did play was excellent. Norther were pretty good, too, but I wasn't too keen on Hypocrisy.
Well, naturally I respect your opinion. Infact, virtually everyone disagrees with me on this one! :D

Honestly though, I was sorely disappointed. I saw them in 2001, and was bored stiff, however I put that down to the awful sound, the possibility that they just played an 'off' gig and the fact that the support bill was extremely strong.

So, as I'm an easy going bloke who's always happy to give people a second chance, I bought a ticket for this years show. To be honest, I'm not awfully keen on the new album, and I think that was an omen. Regardless of whether I like the new material or not, I challenge anyone to tell me that all were not the poorest songs they played at that gig, and there were far too many of them.

The sound wasn't wonderful all night, although it did get better as the set went on. With this in mind, I agree with you about 'Kings...' being the turning point. Lepers Among Us sounded absolutely abysmal though.

My real complaint though is just the fact that they were a very boring band to watch and listen to. The playing was average, the setlist poor, movement onstage was minimal and the combination of too much smoke and too much backlighting meant that Nick and Mustis were out of view for most of the set.

I think I've made my point now. I wish I had, but I really didn't enjoy myself. :)
Yep, and on many levels I agree with you. I wasn't too impressed with the new album when I first got it, but it's definitely grown on me with time, and I find myself listening to it more than I do PEM or SBD for example. I agree that the set list was poor, and could have been so much better, and yes, the lighting did hide Nick and Mustis. So yes, they could have done things differently (and indeed better). But ultimately, I came away having enjoyed myself enormously, and that's all I can ask from a gig. It helped that I was in a suitable frame of mind for Dimmu Borgir, which always colours a gig experience. I saw Hanoi Rocks a few days earlier, and that just didn't work for me because I was in a Dimmu mood, not a Hanoi Rocks mood...
You can ctach me at:

My Dying Bride: Tonight (yay:D)

Cruel Humanity@ The garage 16/11

Illuminatus et al.@ The Cartoon 23/11

Machine Head@ The Astoria 28/11

Zyklon@ ??? 30/11

The X-mas Bash@ Camden Palace 7/12

Decapitated@??? ??/??
I'm going!!! :D Wouldn't miss a chance to see Brainstorm who have been a fave band of mine for some time now! Have a hotel booked and everything!! Is that metal enough!!???? I guess not......however when you get to my age you need your beauty sleep!! :p
Please don't he's only just calmed down after the incident in Derby, LOL

CH: Yup, if you get some flyers done then I can post them up everywere on my campus and I'll proboally be bringing some mates. What will you be bringing in the way of merch?

MDB were awesome, truely spectacular GET THEM FOR BS04!!!!
dragonmaiden said:
Have a hotel booked and everything!! Is that metal enough!!???? I guess not......however when you get to my age you need your beauty sleep!! :p
I know that feeling! For BS'01 and '02, I drove back to London after the last band. This year, I decided to get a hotel instead. Guess I'm getting old, 'coz I too need my beauty sleep!