Put Together A New Metal Clip With SS Samples


May 25, 2005
Please give me your thoughts on the mix, levels etc. I want to get better at mixing my drums. A cover of Vulture from A life Once Lost.

Here is the equipment I used:

Guitars- Schecter Hellraiser -> Maxon OD-9 (as a clean boost) -> ISP Decimator -> Mesa Boogie Mark IV short head -> Bogner 2x12 overzised with v30s -> mixed Sennheiser e609 & Shure 57 -> M-Audio Mobile PRE USB -> nTrack 5 for recording. Used some delay from my Rocktron Xpression for the lead through the amps serial loop.

Bass- Cheap Yamaha bass -> SansAmp Bass Driver DI -> Mobile PRE USB

Drums- Midi patterns into FruityLoops/EZD DFH -> Export each drum track seprately as wav -> import into nTrack -> resampled drums with Steven Slate Drums via Drumagog.

I can't remember the samples I used but will post that later. No post EQing or effects.


http://www.netmusicians.org/files/39-Vulture (Final).mp3
I really enjoyed the little harmonies you placed in there. The guitas were hogging a lot of mid frequencies then again MKIV's are known to be heavy mid-range amps, you might want to tame them a bit. I think the drums could be aoverall, very cool tune man!
I really enjoyed the little harmonies you placed in there. The guitas were hogging a lot of mid frequencies then again MKIV's are known to be heavy mid-range amps, you might want to tame them a bit. I think the drums could be aoverall, very cool tune man!


Are the drums too low in the mix?
Hi ,
I've got to say I loved your guitar tone. And no I don't think the drums are too low. Very well done, indeed. I'd be grateful if you elaborated on your guitar sound !




The guitars were recorded with the following chain:

Guitars- Schecter Hellraiser -> Maxon OD-9 (as a clean boost) -> ISP Decimator -> Mesa Boogie Mark IV short head -> Bogner 2x12 overzised with v30s -> mixed Sennheiser e609 & Shure 57 -> M-Audio Mobile PRE USB -> nTrack 5 for recording. Used some delay from my Rocktron Xpression for the lead through the amps serial loop.



Great ! thanks a lot for posting the pics and letting us in on your recording chain ! I don't mean to be a bother but I'd really like to know how you mix your mikes (levels/Eq/Multing off, etc...).
