Pyramaze live....or...How I saw a Jawa play Violin...

Oh yeah and for the record, and it is an easy mistake to make especially if you do not know the old Jawaese dialects and i know Colleen only speaks the Ryloth dialect of Jawaese. On the Planet Ryloth it is Hooteenee as they have a more evolved voice system, but on Tatooine it is pronounced "Utinni" again this is just for clarification.
Pyramaze51 said:
Oh yeah and for the record, and it is an easy mistake to make especially if you do not know the old Jawaese dialects and i know Colleen only speaks the Ryloth dialect of Jawaese. On the Planet Ryloth it is Hooteenee as they have a more evolved voice system, but on Tatooine it is pronounced "Utinni" again this is just for clarification.

Did I forget to mention she also speaks Wookie :loco:
Pyramaze51 said:
From my studies of the Jawa language, HOOTEENEE means "You Bet your Ass", but if it is used in the context of a non-excited sentence it means "Colleen for the new NIGHTWISH singer. Now if a Droid translates the word, it means "your ass squeaks like a rusty fluid drum". So that is our language lesson for today kiddies. Oh yeah and for the record, and it is an easy mistake to make especially if you do not know the old Jawaese dialects. On the Planet Ryloth it is Hooteenee, but on Tatooine it is pronounced "Utinni" again this is just for clarification.

LOL John you're killin me :lol: Who would have thought there was so many different ways to interpret HOOTEENEE. I think "You bet your ass" is the most widely accepted interpretation given the context in which it was used. I still crack up every time i picture poor R2 getting zapped, and the frenzy of Jawas that ensues.
Perpet said:
I forget to mention she also speaks Wookie :loco:
Okay i ain't gonna touch that with a ten foot pole, as the Wookie language has so many dialect variations that you could get into a lot of trouble with a translation.:zombie:
Pyramaze51 said:
From my studies of the Jawa language, HOOTEENEE means "You Bet your Ass"...Now if a Droid translates the word, it means "your ass squeaks like a rusty fluid drum".

Actually, HOOTEENEE is derived from an ancient Tennesseean dialect spoken once by hillbilly tribes decked out in brightly colored shirts with flower patterns. These ancient Tennesseaan's used the word, "HOOTENANNY" to mean, "Let's cook animal parts and party!", or alternatively, "SOMETHING'S GONNA DIE".

Legend has it that Jethro and Billy Bob, after their alien abduction, were able to spread fragments of their culture, including bad hygene habits to the outermost regions of the solar system where they would appear in civilizations such as the Jawa (e.g. smell, orange clothing and orange eyes). The Jawa holiday to celebrate the transcendence of Jethro and Billy Bob from earth is curiously known as, "Recreation Day". How that name came about, nobody knows.