The Nightmare Has Begun..
hey folks, just wanted to thank you all again for being the coolest fans in the world! Prog-Power is an honor for us to be playing, because we know it's all about what you guys want!:kickass:

Thank you once again, we are anxious to start the show on Friday, our adrenaline is pumping metal right now and were going to dish out a big helping to you!!

if you haven't already done this, please join us on our pages below

or our myspace page:cool: (lot's of updates here):rock:

or on our ULTIMATE METAL FORUM:Smokin:
Damn Skippy! :worship: Pyramaze is the reason I will be on the front row for the first time ever for an opening band at ProgPower!!! I am so stoked for the show this year. And I am going to be sooo worn out by Sunday Morning ---> :zombie:

Then I have to get on the road to Pennsylvania later on Sunday for family vacation. whew!
Don't worry LANCE we will have all the PYRAWARRIORS there in front and all thru the crowd to cheer you guys on and make this the best show every.

And to you and the guys MICHEAL, TOKE, JONAH, NIELS, MORTEN, thank you for the music, the music that gets us going. Thanks from me for being a friend.

Daybreaker said:
Damn. These guys done went and got popular. I'm interested to see the reaction to Pyramaze, I reckon the Earthlink staff's gonna have to mop down the floor after they're done.

What do you expect after being their #1 fanboy for years and years?

People follow Ben-the-Mighty!!!
